Youth violence remains a pressing problem in Cleveland, with far-reaching consequences for individuals and communities. In 2019, University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital launched the Antifragility Initiative, a pediatric hospital-based violence intervention program targeting youth ages 4–17 who enter the emergency department with severe assault or gunshot wounds. The program focuses on early engagement, system navigation, resilience building, and fostering post-traumatic growth. Partnering with Case Western Reserve University's Center on Trauma and Adversity and the Center on Poverty and Community Development, the program's impact has been rigorously evaluated.
Join Dr. Laura A. Voith, MSW, PhD, Associate Professor at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences and faculty affiliate of the Center on Trauma and Adversity, as she shares insights from her study examining the program's effects, including findings based on hospital records and data from the CHILD System. Learn about innovative approaches to addressing youth violence and fostering resilience in Cleveland's communities.
Dr. Voith will be joined by our discussant, Dr. Edward M. Barksdale, Jr., MD Professor of Surgery at the University of Chicago, Chief Surgical Officer Chicagoland Children’s Health Alliance (CCHA), Advocate Children’s Hospital; Comer Children’s Hospital /Univ of Chicago & Endeavor Health. He is the Co-Founder of the Antifragility Initiative, a novel holistic, person-centered, pediatric violence intervention funded by the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA).
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Presented in collaboration with The Community Health Research & Practice Seminar of the CWRU Master of Public Health Program
Meeting ID: 987 8863 6882
Passcode: MPH
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