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The Greater CLE Youth Justice Collective: Amplifying Youth Voice
March 10, 2025The Greater CLE Youth Justice Collective—a partnership between the ACLU of Ohio, the Children's Law Center, and the Schubert Center for Child Studies at Case…
Testimony on House Bill 96 Before the Ohio House Public Safety Committee
March 04, 2025Gabriella Celeste, Policy Director at the Schubert Center for Child Studies, submitted Interested Party testimony for HB 96 to the Ohio House of Representatives…
Critical Need for Board-Certified Child Abuse Pediatrician in Cuyahoga County - A letter to Chief of Pediatrics, MetroHealth
September 04, 2024TO: Dr. Aparna Roy, Chief of Pediatrics, Metrohealth,
Dr. Marlene Miller, Chief of Pediatrics, University Hospitals, Marlene.…
Governor DeWine and Juvenile Justice Working Group Unveil Comprehensive Reform Plans
September 03, 2024On September 3, 2024, Governor Mike DeWine joined the Ohio Juvenile Justice Working Group members to announce a series of comprehensive recommendations to…
New Resource for Describing Youth Behavior
August 01, 2024Navigating the juvenile court system can be daunting for young people, often marked by embarrassment, confusion, and trauma. To address these challenges, the…
Policy Director Gabriella Celeste Presenter at the Regional Police Accountability Conference on Police-Youth Interactions
June 13, 2024The Schubert Center for Child Studies is proud to announce that our Policy Director, Gabriella Celeste, participated in the recent MORE TO DO: Regional Police…
Schubert Center Policy Director Testifies, on behalf of OLFKC, in Support of House Bill 388 to Protect Ohio Children from Lead Poisoning
June 06, 2024On June 3, 2024, Gabriella Celeste, co-founder and co-chair of the Ohio Lead-Free Kids Coalition (OLFKC), provided compelling written testimony to the Ohio House…
Spotlight on Spring 2024 - Extern
May 07, 2024Margaux Johnstone dedicated her spring semester to an internship at Catholic Charities' Migration and Refugee Services, Cleveland's largest refugee resettlement…