Case Western Reserve University researchers engaged in child-related studies are part of a campus-wide consortium of Schubert Center Faculty, Research, and Child Associates. This group is particularly interested in bridging research with practice and policy to improve child well-being in the greater Cleveland community and to create knowledge and approaches that are generalizable to a larger population of children. Click on the Schubert Associates’ names for individual biography pages.
Are you a faculty or staff member whose work or research focuses on children and/or adolescents? Contact the Schubert Center to learn more about becoming a Schubert Associate.
Current Schubert Associates
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Eileen Anderson, EdD
Director of EducationBioethics and Medical HumanitiesSchool of MedicineDirectorMedicineSociety and Culture ConcentrationSchool of MedicineAnne Templeton Zimmerman MD Professor in BioethicsDepartment of BioethicsSchool of MedicineAssociate ProfessorDepartment of BioethicsSchool of MedicineAdjunct Assistant ProfessorDepartment of PsychiatrySchool of MedicineAreas of Expertise: Medicine, Society, and Culture, Mental Health and Well-being of Adolescents and Young Adults in Contexts of Socio-cultural Change, Psychiatric Medication Experiences of College Students , Global Obesity Stigma
Phone: 216.368.2259
James M. Bader
DirectorLeonard Gelfand STEM CenterLecturerDepartment of BiologyCollege of Arts and SciencesAreas of Expertise: Aquatic ecology, Laboratory education
Cynthia Bearer, MD, PhD
ProfessorSchool of MedicineDivision ChiefNeonatologyUH Rainbow Babies and Children's HospitalDivision ChiefNeonatologyUH Cleveland Medical CenterWilliam and Lois Briggs Chair in NeonatologyUniversity Hospitals Health SystemEmail:
Phone: 216.844.3387
Kristen Berg, PhD
Research ScientistCenter for Health Care Research and PolicySchool of MedicineMetroHealth Medical CenterAreas of Expertise: Neighborhood contexts of family functioning and child development, Ecological accounts of human development, adversity, and resilience across the life course, Family contexts of developmental disability
Samudragupta Bora, PhD
Center DirectorHealth Services Research CenterUH Rainbow Babies and Children's HospitalSchool of MedicineDirectorEarly Childhood Neurodevelopmental OutcomesUH Rainbow Babies and Children's HospitalAreas of Expertise: Global Child Health, High-Risk Infant Follow-Up, Neurodevelopment, Preterm Birth
Phone: (440) 745-5003
Elaine A. Borawski, PhD
Angela Bowen Williamson Professor of Community NutritionDepartment of NutritionPrevention Research Center for Healthy NeighborhoodsSchool of MedicineVice Chair for Applied ResearchDepartment of NutritionSchool of MedicineMemberPopulation and Cancer Prevention ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterAreas of Expertise: Community-Engaged Research Health Behavior Intervention (obesity and diet modification) , Physical Activity, Tobacco Prevention, HIV/Teen Pregnancy, Social and Environmental Influences of Health, Health Behavior Survey Methodology
Phone: 216.368.1024
Susannah Briskin, MD, FAAP
Associate ProfessorPediatricsSchool of MedicineAreas of Expertise: Concussion Management, Female Athlete Care, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Non-Surgical Musculoskeletal Medicine, Overuse / Chronic Sports Injuries, Pediatric Sports Medicine, Sports Hydration and Nutrition, Sports Injuries, Sports Overtraining and Fatigue, Sports Performance and Performance Enhancement, Sports Physicals, Sports Related Back Pain
Kimberly Burkhart, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics School of MedicineDepartment of PediatricsSchool of MedicineAssistant ProfessorDepartment of PsychiatrySchool of MedicineAreas of Expertise: Pediatric Trauma, Child Maltreatment, Violence Prevention & Intervention, Bullying, Behavioral Management, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Integrated Care, Parent Training
Cara Byrne, PhD
Research Advisor on Diverse Children's LiteratureFull-time LecturerDepartment of EnglishAreas of Expertise: Race, Gender and Age in Children's Literature, Picture Book Theory & History, Visual Rhetoric, Composition & Writing Pedagogy
- Evalise Dexter
Lauren Calandruccio, PhD
Louis D. Beaumont University ProfessorCollege of Arts and SciencesIMPACT Program DirectorCollege of Arts and SciencesAreas of Expertise: Auditory Development for Children with Normal Hearing and Children that are Deaf and/or Hard of Hearing