Join us for bagels and coffee in the Amphitheater at the Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, 2101 Adelbert Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106. If you can't make it, please use the Zoom link below to join live.
Leaders in the fight to reduce infant mortality and increase positive maternal outcomes in the greater Cleveland area will provide an update on the activities of First Year Cleveland with a focus on systems-driven solutions. The benefit of doula services and barriers to accessing these services, now covered by Medicaid in Ohio, will be a focus of the presentation. Tips for pediatric and other health care providers that ensure pregnant women are aware of and seek the benefit of doula services during their pregnancy will be discussed.
Joining us for this informative session are Angela Newman - White, Executive Director of First Year Cleveland;
Jazmin Long, Chief Operating and Development Officer at Birthing Beautiful Communities;
Heather Marie Rice, Ph.D. APRN-CNP, PMHS, Clinician & Professor at CSU
The Schubert Center for Child Studies connects Case Western Reserve University faculty, students and staff, visiting researchers, practice and policy experts, and community members whose work impacts children, young people, and families. These events stimulate an ongoing dialogue about child-related research, policy, and practice among Northeast Ohio faculty, students, policy experts, advocates, and professionals.
*This lecture is co-sponsored by the Schubert Center for Child Studies and Pediatric Grand Rounds, University Hospitals Rainbow Babies, and Children's Hospital.
Passcode: 417577