Material Life Circumstances And Children’s Subjective Well-Being: Cross-National Comparisons of 16 Countries [CO-SPONSORED EVENT]

Event Date:
February 9th 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Photograph of Daphna Gross-Manos

Location: Mandel Community Center, Room 115

Daphna Gross-Manos, PhD in Social Work
Postdoctoral Scholar, Case Western Reserve University Anthropology Department

Postdoctoral Scholar, Daphna Gross-Manos, PhD, will discuss the relationship between material situation and happiness among children using the findings of the International Survey of Children’s Well-Being. While household income is almost exclusively used as a proxy for a child’s material situation, Gross-Manos will review two alternative measures for children’s material situation and subjective well-being across 16 countries. Possible implications for social policy will be discussed, as well as some highlights for specific countries.

Download the presentation for this event. 

This event is free and open to the public. Feel free to bring your own lunch; desserts and beverages will be provided. 


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For more information, contact the Schubert Center.