Daniel J. Flannery is the Dr. Semi J. and Ruth Begun Professor and director of the Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education. His research has been published in a variety of scientific outlets including The New England Journal of Medicine, Developmental Psychology, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Criminology and Public Policy. He is also the author of several books including Violence in Everyday Life (2006), Wanted on Warrants: The Fugitive Safe Surrender Program (2013), and the Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior and Aggression (2nd edition, 2018).
His primary areas of research are in youth violence prevention, the link between violence and mental health, and community-based program evaluation.
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Why I Teach
I teach because it is important to bring what is happening in the community, with respect to education and awareness, practice and policy, into the classroom. Students need not only to learn about theory and principles of their discipline, but they need exposed to current events and how being in a school of social work matters in addressing some of the most complex social issues we face. This includes violence in all of its forms and related morbidities, like substance use and mental health, among others.
Why I Chose This Profession
As a clinical-child psychologist by training I believe in prevention and working with children and families as a way to make a difference over the long-term. I also believe that in our profession we are in a position to bring information and evidence to those making everyday decisions of best practice and policy that can change lives in the short and long-term. What better position can one be in to make a difference?