Welter-Muzic Research Support - Small Grants

The Schubert Center for Child Studies is now accepting applications for Welter-Muzic Research Support - Small Grants. This program supports undergraduate students' experiential learning and research in childhood and adolescence.

Undergraduate students may apply for grants between $200-$1000. Covered expenses for conference and research may include:

  • Conference fees and travel expenses (for presenting and attending)
  • Program fees for experiential learning opportunities
  • Research travel and lodging expenses
  • Program supplies for research projects
  • Stipends to be paid to research participants/interviewees
  • Printing costs for study-related materials
  • Purchase of data sets

Experiential learning and research must focus on child well-being and include implications for child-related policy. Conferences or project proposals focused on equity and diversity are encouraged.

After their travel or projects, students awarded Welter-Muzic Research Support will be required to provide a 1-2 page summary of their research or experience, which may be used in whole or in part on our website, our annual report, and other Center publications. All projects must be completed, and all funds must be spent before graduation.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. All majors and minors are encouraged to apply.

To apply, complete the application form, which includes a description of the proposal and a detailed budget.  

Submit one letter of recommendation from Case Western Reserve University faculty member or research advisor to schubertcenter@case.edu.

Former Welter-Muzic Scholars have:

  • Attended American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) conference
  • Attended American Auditory Society (AAS) conference
  • Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting
  • Attended the Anthropology Child and Youth Interest Group Conference
  • Attended Mission Be Mindful Educator Training Conference

This program is made possible through a generous gift from alumni Christina Welter, MPH, DrPH (CWRU '98), and David Muzic, MD (CWRU' 97). Welter was a Mann Undergraduate Scholar in Anthropology and Pediatrics, a Mann Fellow (for research in Samoa), and an Eva L. Pancoast Award recipient (for research in Uganda). Welter and Muzic valued their undergraduate experiences and wish to provide similar opportunities for current undergraduate students.

Undergraduate Fellow Project
2023-2024 Madeline Witort Madeline attended the 14th Annual Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) conference with her mentor and our Schubert Associate Dr. Angela Ciccia
2023-2024 Aja Leatherwood Aja attended the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) conference, and the American Auditory Society (AAS) conference, along with her mentor and our Schubert Associate Dr. Lauren Calandruccio. Find out more 
2021-2022 Marie Kallay Research focused on The Superhero Project's impact on families with children facing serious illness.
2021-2022 Madison Miles Partnering with our Schubert Associate, Dr. Sarah Hope Lincoln, the research investigated selective eating in young children, focusing on texture's impact on eating habits, driven by her interest in art's therapeutic potential.