Research Fellowships

People working together at a table on laptop computers

The Social Justice Institute accepts fellowship proposals from faculty, staff and students to help advance our mission to create a more just world. 

Applications for the 2025-2026 Social Justice Research Fellowships for undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty are now open. The submission deadline is 5 pm March 31, 2025. 

Social Justice Fellowships for Undergraduate Students 

Applicants should submit proposals to carry out research or implement projects related to social justice in any discipline. Social justice is defined as eradicating systems of power and oppression with the purpose of advancing fairness and equality through the redistribution of resources and opportunities, and exalting human dignity and respect. 

Funding of up to $1,000 will be awarded to undergraduate students for expenses associated with the research or project, subject to the number and quality of applications. 

Proposals must explain the connection between social justice and the proposed work and include a detailed budget for how the requested fellowship funds will be used.

View the application requirements and award guidelines

Social Justice Fellowships for Graduate Students 

Applicants should submit proposals to carry out research or implement projects related to social justice in any discipline. Social justice is defined as eradicating systems of power and oppression with the purpose of advancing fairness and equality through the redistribution of resources and opportunities, and exalting human dignity and respect. 

Funding of up to $3,500 will be awarded to graduate students for expenses associated with the research or project, subject to the number and quality of applications. Graduate students seeking funding to support an MA Thesis or PhD Dissertation research are especially encouraged to apply.

Proposals must explain the connection between social justice and the proposed work and include a detailed budget for how the requested fellowship funds will be used.

View the application requirements and award guidelines

Social Justice Fellowships for Faculty

In support of our vision to achieve equal access to opportunity for all, the faculty fellowship opportunity was established to fund faculty research and projects that advance social justice work from humanistic inquiry to action research.

Social Justice Fellowships are available for tenured or tenure-track Case Western Reserve faculty members, or other faculty who demonstrate a long-term commitment to social justice. The funds will support research related to social justice in any discipline

Fellowships will range from $2,500 to $10,000 (up to a total of $10,000). Up to four awards are expected, subject to the number and quality of applications. Projects may range in duration up to 24 months.


Proposed research may use field-specific primary and/or secondary sources—including research in archives and manuscript collections, artwork and musical scores, data collection and analysis, and examination of existing databases and literatures. 

Proposed research may be premised on any discipline (e.g., humanities and the arts, social science, medicine, nursing, social work, etc.). Applications to conduct clinical trials will not be accepted. The principal investigator must be a Case Western Reserve faculty member. Faculty members are permitted to partner with postdoctoral fellows, graduate students or undergraduate students.

View the application requirements and award guidelines

The Case Western Reserve University Social Justice Institute is committed to diversity and strongly encourages women, members of underrepresented groups and the LGBTQ community as well as veterans, individuals with disabilities and others to apply.