Practicum Success Plan

We have step-by-step instructions to help you enroll in and successfully complete the Practicum program.

At least one semester prior to your planned experience, begin your search for a suitable practicum opportunity.

  • Make an appointment with The Career Center to develop a search strategy
  • Complete Practicum workshop (if applicable) to understand enrollment process
  • Visit Office of Financial Aid, Housing, and VISA office (if applicable) to review logistics of participating in program
  • Meet with your academic advisor to discuss how Practicum may impact graduation timeline

Once you receive an offer, you may begin the process to enroll in the Practicum program.

4-5 weeks before your start date

2-3 weeks before your start date

  • Register for non-credit Practicum course in SIS and receive class permission from the Practicum Coordinator
  • Complete and submit health form to University Health and Counseling Services
  • International students: Complete CPT application with Practicum Coordinator and bring to VISA office


Once you’ve completed the previous steps and are fully enrolled in the Practicum program you are ready to begin your practicum on the agreed upon date with your supervisor.

During your first week

  • If you haven't yet, share your learning objectives with your supervisor
  • Show up early, prepared and ready to learn
  • Ask questions
  • Get to know the office and your team


Review and fulfill all key responsibilities during your practicum experience. Don’t forget to complete all evaluations and reflection paper(s).


  • Complete midpoint student evaluation
  • Discuss the possibility of an on-site visit with Practicum Coordinator


  • Complete final student evaluation
  • Write reflection paper and upload to Handshake
  • Update resume with new experience and upload to Handshake
  • Consider sharing experience and thanking employer on your LinkedIn profile
  • Consider asking employer to serve as reference for future opportunities

For assistance with any of the steps to enroll in or complete the Practicum program, please contact Emily Weaver, at 216.368.4446 or You may also consult our Practicum FAQs page.