A tree in spring
We're Thinking Spring!

Spring is a busy time at UCITE! Get a head start on your Summer Nord Grant application, apply for a UCITE Course Innovation Grant, or become a Glennan Fellow for the 25/26 academic year!

UCITE Fridays logo
UCITE Fridays is Back!

Have lunch with us as we discuss the latest in teaching and learning! Each Friday, UCITE hosts a casual pizza lunch and delves into the latest pedagogical topics. Faculty, staff, post docs, and graduate students are welcome!

Our next session will be on February 28: "Teamwork as an Active Learning Tool."

Row of computers from the 1980's
UCITE's AI in Teaching and Learning Workshops to Return in May!

Our AI in Teaching and Learning Workshops were a hit! If you missed this popular workshop series, never fear - we're bringing them back in May! Stay tuned for new dates and times, coming soon!