Undergraduate TA Training


You can check your participation: look for UNIV300 on your transcript.

If you will attend UTA training in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025, your training will be out of date on July 30, 2027 (at the end of the Summer 2027 term).

If you attended UTA training in Fall 2023 or Spring 2024, your training will be out of date on July 30, 2026 (at the end of the Summer 2026 term).

If you attended UTA training in Fall 2022 or Spring 2023, your training will be out of date as of August 1, 2025 (at the end of the Summer 2025 term).

If you attended UTA training prior to Fall 2021, your training is out of date. You will need to complete a Canvas module to update your training. Contact utatraining@case.edu for access to this Canvas module.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Training

When you are hired by your department as an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA), you are required to complete University-mandated TA compliance training that is facilitated by UCITE. Below are the steps that you must complete by the deadline that will be posted on this website:

  1. Register for UNIV300 (Professional Development for Undergraduate TAs) on the Student Information System (SIS)
  2. Complete the Canvas modules for UNIV300 by the set deadline.
TA Training for Fall 2024 has been REOPENED until Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 5:00pm. Please use this link to self-enroll in the Canvas modules after registering on SIS.