Rankings Increase Nationally and Globally for the Full-time MBA Program at Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University

Picture of the Peter B. Lewis Building, Weatherhead School of Management

Weatherhead School of Management’s Full-time MBA program ranked 81st, a 7-position increase over last year’s rank of 88th, in the newly released 2022 US News & World Report rankings. This follows the January 2021 ranking by The Economist for the full-time MBA program of 79th globally and 35th in the United States. While some schools chose to opt out of The Economist ranking this year, the notable jump in rank for Weatherhead Full-time MBA comes after the program did not place in 2019, and placed 98th globally and 52nd in the United States in 2018.  This year, the school was also ranked sixth globally in the Faculty Quality category by The Economist.

Weatherhead School of Management’s Part-time MBA program continues to stand strong as well, holding onto its impressive 19th position in the newly released 2022 US News & World Report rankings. Year-over-year, the part-time MBA program at Weatherhead has been consistently ranked among the most recognized programs in the national ranking systems.

“We are thrilled to see the improvements in our MBA programs in these gold-standard rankings,” said Manoj Malhotra, Dean of the Weatherhead School of Management. “Although 2020 was challenging in several ways, we remained steadfast in our efforts to provide quality education to our students, build excellence into our programs through innovative curriculum taught by our world-class faculty, and leverage new technological and social trends to power our success. Our increase in rankings illustrates these efforts, and I look forward to continued momentum in 2021.”

The Weatherhead School has implemented significant enhancements to its MBA program suite such as a new STEM track that bridges analytics and technology with core business skills, and most recently, the planned launch in Fall 2021 of a new Online MBA with a Healthcare Management track. It is also noteworthy that for the first time ever, the Weatherhead School of Management’s Master of Business Analytics and Intelligence program ranked 45th in the country in the newly released 2022 US News & World Report rankings. This rank is based solely on comments made by peer institutions.

“We continue to refine our MBA programs to meet changing market trends with forward-thinking curriculum,” Dean Malhotra said. “Our newly released strategic plan, Destination Weatherhead, outlines our goals and strategies for the future that will keep moving us forward on a path of innovation and excellence for all our programs at the school.” 

Learn more about Weatherhead School of Management’s MBA suite.