Doctor of Business AdministrationEPS Research Fellows Selection Process

Interested in becoming a research fellow with the Engaged Practitioner Scholar program at Weatherhead School of Management (EPS@Weatherhead)? Learn about our selection process below.

Committee Review

Applications for research fellow positions at EPS@Weatherhead will be reviewed by a committee of three people:

  1. Kalle Lyytinen, Faculty Director, DM Programs; Professor and Chair, Department of Design & Innovation
  2. Phil Cola, Associate Faculty Director, DM Programs, Associate Professor, Design & Innovation
  3. A DM faculty member relevant to the primary research area

Application Steps

Application steps are as follows:

  1. Submission of a research proposal, a letter of motivation and a resume
  2. Review of the application file by a committee; preliminary decision within 30 days of electronic submission
  3. Final decision of the committee within 15 days of the interview

Research Proposal

Research fellow candidates have to prepare a three- to five-page research proposal and submit it electronically.

All proposals have to contain the following sections:

  1. General research description
  2. Problem of practice and potential research questions
  3. Intended audience for the research project
  4. Proposed research methods
  5. Contributions to theory and practice
  6. Proposed research team (faculty, advisors, partnerships, etc.)
  7. Dissemination plan during and after program
  8. Resources needed during the program (library access, etc.)

Review Timeline

The committee will review candidate applications within 30 days of submission and will select candidates based on the merit of their research proposal and ideas. Preliminary acceptance will be followed by an interview.

The review criteria for all research proposal will be as follows:

  1. Contribution to the field of engaged management research and evidence-based management research
  2. Robustness of the Research proposal: Problem of Practice (POP, Research Question (RQ), Research methods, etc.
  3. Potential for dissemination and promotion of EPS@Weatherhead
  4. Overall profile of the candidate


Upon acceptance into the Research Fellow program, candidates pay the first year fee of $500. Candidates also commit to paying the remaining fee of $500 due on year two and $500 due on year three. Failure to pay fees will lead to an automatic termination of the Research Fellow's program.