About the Institute
The Women Faculty Leadership Development Institute (WFLDI) includes a range of programs targeted to support and empower women faculty of all academic ranks at CWRU in their professional and leadership development journeys. Programming includes small group discussions, national speakers, multi-day workshops, and individual coaching.
What's Next?
A Professional and Leadership Development Program for Mid-Career Women Faculty
This program is targeted to mid-career women faculty (associate or full professors) who are interested in focusing on their career vision and path and enhancing their formal or informal leadership within their academic unit and discipline/profession. It alternates years between tenured and non-tenure track faculty members.
The three session program includes guest speakers, panel discussions, small group discussions and content presentations. The objectives of the program are to enhance leadership and career development skills, articulate a clear career vision, and develop change leadership expertise. Each participant engages in the ESCI (Emotional and Social Competency Inventory), a 360-degree assessment of leadership competencies.
Program content will is geared to professional and personal development for exercising greater leadership in academic units and disciplines. Two individual coaching sessions are available to each participant throughout the program.
Individual Coaching
By appointment, faculty members are able to meet a coach to help deal with career challenges, developing a career vision, or other issues that impact academic and professional success. All conversations are confidential.
For more information, contact MatherCenter@case.edu.