Shipping FAQs

In your Requisition, go to Requisition Settings -> Ship-To Field -> Set your Case ID or the CaseID of the person you want to ship to*

*If the Case ID returns an error see “How to get a new Ship-To Location added”

We now have a Google Form that can be used. Navigate here

If you have additional questions, please email

Individual office addresses are associated with Case IDs in Peoplesoft, with the exception of labs which are done by a unique format.



1. Use the first 3 letters of the building where the lab is located, enter them into Ship-To, then click the magnifying glass icon.

2. Find the corresponding number of the lab room on the left in Location Code field

No. One user can only have one address at a time, because it is associated with their Unique CWRU ID.  

This means the Ship-To Code requires an additional attribute, email to get it added.  

In general, items may not be shipped to non-Case locations (present in Peoplesoft) but we recognize there are special cases where this might be needed.

Only for Special Request Requisitions (SmartCART excluded):

Items should not be shipped or re-directed to a home address once an order has been placed. Only the Purchasing Buyers have the authority to change Special Request POs to the new address. Required for this is a signed memo from the chair or supervisor authorizing an off-campus shipment and indicating why the items cannot be shipped to our campus. 

Please contact Purchasing before setting up a Requisition with this requirement.


Contact or the buyer for assistance - PDS staff can reach out to the vendor to determine if the error was on the PO or with the vendor.

Please check with the vendor directly for shipping status. You may also contact the buyer listed on the PO, or for assistance.