The following is a brief description of each possible error and warning in the Schedule of Classes Error Report. Click on an error or warning for detailed resolution instructions.
At least one instructor must have grade approval access.
No primary instructor assigned to this course has been given grade approval access. Grades must be approved in order for them to be posted to students' records. Please update grade access approval for at least one instructor on the Meetings tab.
Class meets before 6:00 AM.
A class section has been scheduled prior to 6:00 am. Please update the time on the Meetings tab.
Closed class. Enrollment capacity must be greater than 0. If class is not being taught, please cancel it.
Combined sections have different instructors.
Combined sections have different instructors assigned. Please update the instructor(s) on the Meetings tab to be the same on all sections. See Cross Listed Report for more information.
Combined sections have different meeting patterns.
Combined sections have different meeting start or end times, or are scheduled on different days of the week, or have different start or end dates. Please update the meeting patterns on the Meetings tab to be the same on all sections. See Cross Listed Report for more information.
Dynamically dated sections require assignment of meeting.
Dynamically dated sections require assignment of class meeting. Please enter days and times or TBA.
Multiple components of the same course have time conflicts.
Two or more components of the same course are offered with the same dates, times and days. Each component must be offered at a different time in order for students to enroll. Please update on the Meetings tab.
Required course component not scheduled.
A class section has been scheduled but sections do not exist for all required components. Please schedule the remaining components.
Time conflict between class components.
Two required components for the same class have overlapping days and times. Please update the days or times on one of the components or contact for assistance.
All offerings of the course not scheduled. See SOC Cross Listed report.
This course is set up to have multiple offerings, but not all offerings have been scheduled. Please view the Cross Listed Report for details and schedule the remaining offerings.
Class does not have an instructor assigned.
At least one instructor should be assigned to a section as the primary instructor. Please assign a primary instructor on the Meetings tab.
Class meeting pattern has days but no times or times but no days.
Please update times or days or delete the meeting pattern on the Meetings tab.
Class meeting scheduled during the Community Hour.
Please update the meeting pattern on the Meetings tab.
Class meeting scheduled outside standard patterns.
This class has a meeting pattern scheduled outside of the standard Course Time Slot Grid. Please update the meeting pattern on the Meetings tab if necessary.
This course has topics in the Course Catalog, so a course topic should be selected. Please update topic on the Basic Data tab.
Meeting pattern not scheduled.
Days and times have not been assigned. Please update days and times or put "TBA" in the meeting pattern field on the Meetings tab.