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Statement on Use of Force
August 10, 2017The Schubert Center supports developmentally-informed police practices and the International Association of Chiefs of Police’s statement on Use of Force quoted…20th Anniversary Event: Call for Ideas!
July 01, 2017In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Schubert Center for Child Studies at Case Western Reserve University, the Center is convening individuals…Schubert Center Joins Aalim Amicus Brief to the Ohio Supreme Court
June 01, 2017On January 11, 2016, the Schubert Center, with the assistance of faculty associate Jessie Hill, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Judge Ben C. Green…Gabriella Celeste honored for work on Crisis Intervention Team policies
May 19, 2017The Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga honored Gabriella Celeste, policy director of the Schubert Center for Child Studies,…
Improving Cleveland’s Police and Youth Interactions
May 12, 2017How well are law enforcement officers equipped for interactions with youth? This was just one of several questions about police and youth interactions that was…Schubert Center Statement on Immigrant and Refugee Children and Youth
May 03, 2017The Schubert Center for Child Studies at Case Western Reserve University is committed to the well-being of all children and young people, and to promoting an…Discipline Tactics for Truancy Reviewed in HB 410
April 19, 2017Gabriella Celeste submitted written testimony to the House Education Committee on the discipline tactics regarding truancy and the negative impacts they can have on…Sample MOU for Clarifying School Resource Officer Roles and Expectations
April 17, 2017Nationally, and here in Ohio, there has been increasing attention to addressing challenging student behaviors while reducing the “school-to-prison pipeline” and…A Citizen’s Guide to the Cleveland Police Consent Decree with a Special Focus on Implications for Children & Young People
April 11, 2017The Schubert Center supports advancing positive interactions between youth and police and promotes developmentally informed policies and practices. This guide was…Undocumented Migrant Children Face a Long Struggle after Entering the US
April 04, 2017Miguel’s journey to the United States began in El Salvador where he was a gang member. When he refused to help the gang, his mother decided that he needed to leave…