Case Western Reserve University researchers engaged in child-related studies are part of a campus-wide consortium of Schubert Center Faculty, Research, and Child Associates. This group is particularly interested in bridging research with practice and policy to improve child well-being in the greater Cleveland community and to create knowledge and approaches that are generalizable to a larger population of children. Click on the Schubert Associates’ names for individual biography pages.
Are you a faculty or staff member whose work or research focuses on children and/or adolescents? Contact the Schubert Center to learn more about becoming a Schubert Associate.
Current Schubert Associates
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Rita Obeid, PhD
InstructorDepartment of Psychological SciencesCollege of Arts and SciencesAreas of Expertise: Examining Individual Differences in Language and Motor Development in Children, Autism Spectrum Disorders, specifically Assessing & Reducing Stigma Towards ASD and Improving Knowledge, Cross-cultural Research in ASD Stigma & Biases Towards Developmental Disabilities
Phone: 216-368-1926
Adam Perzynski, PhD, MA, BA
Associate ProfessorDepartment of MedicineAssociate ProfessorDepartment of SociologyDirector, Patient-Centered Media LabCenter for Health Care Research and PolicyMetroHealth Medical CenterAreas of Expertise: Medical Sociology, Aging & Life Course, Social Determinants of Health
Phone: 216.778.2850
Stephanie Pike Moore, PhD, MPH
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Population and Quantitative Health SciencesSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.0411
Andres Pinto, DMD, MBA, MSCE
Chair and ProfessorOral and Maxillofacial Medicine and Diagnostic SciencesSchool of Dental MedicineAreas of Expertise: Pediatric Oral Medicine, Pediatric Orofacial Pain
Phone: 216.368.6769
Cassi Pittman Claytor
Assistant ProfessorClimo Junior ProfessorDepartment of SociologyAreas of Expertise: Race, Racial Inequality, Middle-class Black Consumers, Consumption, Racial Residential Segregation
Phone: 216.368.2698
Dana M. Prince, PhD, MPH
Associate ProfessorJack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social SciencesAreas of Expertise: LGBTQ+ Youth, Public Systems, Youth Mental and Behavioral Health, Community-engaged research, Critical theory
Phone: 216.368.1707
Amy Przeworski, PhD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Psychological SciencesCollege of Arts and SciencesAreas of Expertise: Development & Evaluation of Cognitive Behavioral Treatments for Anxiety across the Lifespan, Laboratory-based Studies which Examine Family Interactions in Children with Eating Disorders, Family-based Emotion-focused Treatment for Young Children with Anxiety Disorders, Computer-assisted Treatment for Children with Anxiety Disorders, Ways in which Life Events (such as parental leave for military deployment) May Affect the Family and Possibly Induce Anxiety Symptoms, The Role that Culture May Play in Family Dynamics in Children with Anxiety Disorders
Phone: 216.368.5021
Lisa Ramirez, PhD
Associate ProfessorSchool of MedicineCase Western Reserve UniversitySchool of MedicinePediatric PsychologyPsychologyMetroHealthAreas of Expertise: Child & Adolescent Behavioral Health, Pediatric Psychology, Psychology
Phone: 216.778.3745
Nancy Rolock, PhD
Henry L. Zucker Associate Professor of Social Work PracticeJack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social SciencesAreas of Expertise: Adoption and Guardianship, Kinship Care, Child Welfare
Phone: 216.368.6014
Ellen Rome, MD, MPH
HeadSection of Adolescent MedicineCleveland Clinic Children's HospitalAreas of Expertise: Eating Disorders & Obesity, Hormonal Problems in Teenagers, Preventative Medicine, Reproductive Health, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in Adolescents, Sexually Transmitted Diseases