2022 Social Justice Institute Think Tank

“A Balm for What Ails Us: Respect. Renew. Reimagine.”

What does liberation look like?

On October 27-29, 2022, we held a special convening of social justice leaders at Case Western Reserve University. Our Think Tank was centered around the theme of “A Balm for What Ails Us: Respect. Renew. Reimagine.” Our goal was to provide space for envisioning what liberation looks like for communities historically and currently marginalized by oppressive systems. We cannot envision until we have healed, and we cannot heal until we have acknowledged our history. Our ambition was to foster conversations and reignite passion for social justice across the Cleveland community. 

All events were free and open to the public, held at CWRU’s Tinkham Veale University Center at 11038 Bellflower Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106. 

All 2022 Think Tank sessions were recorded! Click here to view the full playlist or scroll down for individual videos.


Thursday, October 27
Author Derecka Purnell and the cover of her book Becoming Abolitionists

6:00 pm   |  Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Ben Vinson III, Provost, Case Western Reserve University
  • Ayesha Bell Hardaway + Mark Chupp, CWRU Social Justice Institute Co-Directors

6:30 pm   |  Keynote Address and Moderated Q+A

  • Derecka Purnell, Author of Becoming Abolitionists: Police, Protests, and the Pursuit of Freedom
  • Moderator: Kamarea Valentine, CWRU '25



Friday, October 28

6:00 pm   |   Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Ayesha Bell Hardaway + Mark Chupp, CWRU Social Justice Institute Co-Directors

6:15 pm   |  Spoken Word Poetry Performance

Images of speakers

6:30 pm   |  Panel Discussion: Liberation through Democracy


Saturday, October 29

Healing through the Arts with Tondi Wiley, Visual Artist: An Interactive, Instructive Arts Session for Restoration and Renewal (ongoing throughout the day)

9:15 am   |  Continental Breakfast

9:30 am   |  Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Ayesha Bell Hardaway + Mark Chupp, SJI Co-Directors

10:00 am   |  Panel Presentation: Community Safety and Liberation

11:30 am   |  Theatre Performance

11:45 am   |  Catered Lunch

1:00 pm   |  Panel Presentation: Community Health and Liberation

2:30 pm   |  Break

2:45 pm   |  Musical Performance

3:00 pm   |  Panel Presentation: Liberation through Education

4:30 pm   |  Closing Presentation: Healing through Meditation: An Interactive, Instructive Session for Restoration and Renewal