Connect with the faculty and staff who make up Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University.
Richard Buchanan
ProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementChair Professor of Design Theory, Practice, and EntrepreneurshipCollege of Design & Innovation, Tongji UniversityEditorDesign Issues: A Journal of design historytheorycriticism published by MIT PressEmail:
Phone: 216.368.0789
Sayan Chatterjee
ProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Phone: 216.368.5373
Philip A. Cola, PhD
Winkle Healthcare Management ProfessorshipWeatherhead School of ManagementProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Population and Quantitative Health SciencesSchool of MedicineFaculty DirectorHealthcare Management ProgramsWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Phone: 216.368.6932
Somali Ghosh
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Jim Gilmore
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Michael Goldberg
Executive DirectorVeale Institute for EntrepreneurshipAssociate Vice PresidentVeale Institute for EntrepreneurshipProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Phone: 216.368.6048
Christian Hughes
Assistant ProfessorMarketingDesign & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Kipum Lee
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementAssistant ProfessorDepartment of MedicineSchool of MedicineVice PresidentEnterprise Strategy & InnovationUniversity Hospitals Health SystemEditorDesign Issues published by MIT PressEmail:
Scot Lowry
Richard L. Osborne Professor of EntrepreneurshipWeatherhead School of ManagementProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Kalle Lyytinen
Iris S. Wolstein Professorship in Management DesignWeatherhead School of ManagementFaculty DirectorDoctor of Business Administration ProgramWeatherhead School of ManagementDistinguished University ProfessorProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Phone: 216.368.5353
Satish Nambisan
The Nancy and Joseph Keithley Professorship of Technology ManagementWeatherhead School of ManagementProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementFaculty Director, Online MBA in Product ManagementMBA ProgramsWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Phone: 216.368.1246
Rakesh Niraj
Associate ProfessorMarketingDesign & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Phone: 216.368.0799
Simon Peck
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementFaculty DirectorEMBAWeatherhead School of ManagementChairDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Phone: 216.368.3824
Vasudevan Ramanujam
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Phone: 216.368.5100
Mohan Reddy
ProfessorDesign & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Phone: 216.368.2038
Jagdip Singh
AT&T ProfessorshipWeatherhead School of ManagementProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementCo-DirectorMaster of Business Analytics and IntelligenceWeatherhead School of ManagementEmail:
Phone: 216.368.4270
Youngjin Yoo
Associate Dean of ResearchWeatherhead School of ManagementElizabeth M. and William C. Treuhaft Professorship in EntrepreneurshipProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementFaculty Co-DirectorxLabWeatherhead School of ManagementWBS Distinguished Research Environment ProfessorUniversity of WarwickEmail:
Phone: 216.368.2471