In the Master of Leadership and Organizational Change (MLOC) program, we go above and beyond to ensure our students are prepared to lead in their fields. That's why we present our Thought Leaders Series—live, 60-minute webinars that focus on key topics and various challenges facing organizations today.
Presented separately from our standard program curriculum, the lectures in our Thought Leaders Series feature distinguished faculty from Weatherhead School of Management as well as alumni of the MLOC program. Join us for an upcoming webinar in our Thought Leaders Series, or explore our recordings of past webinars below.
Watch our latest Thought Leaders Series: "The Importance of Discovery" with Cheryl Duvall (MGT '06), who studied in the MLOC program:
Watch recordings of past Thought Leaders Series, featuring leaders in the organization development sector:
- "Sustainability and ESG: Business Opportunity or Mostly Hot Air?" with Professor Chris Laszlo
- "The Leader's Role in Equity, Race and Opportunity" with Jim Rooney (MGT '23), who studied in the MPOD program and N. Jeremi Duru, JD
- "An Interview with Professor of Organizational Behavior David Cooperrider"
- "The Sense of Belonging in Virtual & Hybrid Work Environments" with Laura Guilliam, PhD (MGT '18), who studied in the MPOD program
- "Appreciative Inquiry in the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) World of Healthcare" by Ron Fry, PhD and Matt Barber, MD
- "From Burnout to Flourishing: Cultivating Wholeness at Work" by Melvin Smith, PhD and Erin Rocchio (MGT '12), who studied in the MPOD program
- "The Neuroscience of Coaching" by Richard Boyatzis, PhD
- "Reinventing Resilience: How Organizations Can Thrive Through Continuous Change" by Paul Thallner (MGT '09), who studied in the MPOD program
- "3 Big Trends that are Reshaping the Field of Organization Development" by Nadya Zhexembayeva, PhD
- "Rampant Narcissism, Loss of Motivation and Engagement, Deteriorating Mental Health" by Richard Boyatzis, PhD
- "The Business of Building A Better World" by David Cooperrider, PhD
- "Appreciative Inquiry in the Post-Pandemic Workplace" by Ron Fry, PhD and Kristen Bishop (MGT '22), who studied in the MPOD program
- "The Art of Helping People Change" by Ellen Van Oosten, PhD