The Office of the Provost maintains a list of deadlines for faculty appointment processing, award nominations, promotion & tenure files, finance and more.
Full-Time Faculty Appointments
The Office of the Provost approves offers for full-time* faculty appointments at Case Western Reserve University and reviews and submits recommendations to the trustees for final approval of faculty titled:
- instructor or senior instructor
- assistant professor
- associate professor
- professor
*The Faculty Handbook defines a faculty appointment as “full-time” if 50 percent or more time is devoted to approved academic activities conducted at an approved site.
Timing: The appointing school completes the required steps and submits documentation to the Office of the Provost to obtain approval in advance of the candidate’s start date. Actions that require trustee approval and submission dates can be found at Board of Trustees Submission Timetable.
The Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Engagement provides step-by-step instructions to initiate a search for all full-time faculty appointments. OIDEO’s approval to offer an appointment is required before a full-time faculty appointment is offered as:
- instructor or senior instructor
- assistant professor
- associate professor
- professor
The following categories of full-time special faculty are appointed according to the policies of the appointing school and do not require approval from the Office of the Provost:
- full-time visiting faculty**
- full-time lecturer***
** Note: The maximum duration of a visiting appointment, either full-time or part-time is normally three years.
***Note: The maximum duration of a full-time lecturer appointment is normally five years. For reappointments beyond five years, the school must submit a performance assessment to the Office of the Provost for approval, as explained in the Policy for Full-Time Lecturer Reviews.
Verification of Faculty Credentials
The Verification of Faculty Credentials form must be submitted for each appointment, if applicable, through Interfolio.
Other Actions Requiring Office of the Provost Approval
- Appointment to the Faculty at Another Academic Institution
A faculty member may not hold appointment in another educational institution without written approval in advance by the Provost. Request for approval should be directed to the faculty member's department chair or, in a school without departments, the dean (or a designee of the chair or dean. - Faculty Transfers Between Schools
- Request for Transfer into the Tenure Track
- Secondary Appointments Across Schools
- Joint Faculty Appointment (Initial Appointment)
- Joint Faculty Appointment (Previously Appointed Faculty)
All requests for approval by the Provost are submitted through Interfolio.
**Note: Faculty transfers between departments within the school and secondary appointments in departments within the school are approved on the dean's authority, with appropriate internal approvals.
Part-Time Faculty Appointments
Appointments of part-time faculty are made by the dean of the appointing faculty in accord with policies of the individual school.