Degree requirements include course work, research rotations (to facilitate the selection of an advisor), participation in formal and informal seminars, a qualifying exam, and publishable research and dissertation. Teaching opportunities are also available but teaching is not a requirement to complete the degree.
First and second year PhD curriculum
All first year Ph.D. students take a set of core courses, with lecturing faculty representing most of the Departments in the School of Medicine. Six advanced science courses are also required, at least three of which are in Biochemistry (one course must be either BIOC 412 or BIOC 434).
During the first year students also become acquainted with research opportunities by participating in three one-month long rotations in Biochemistry research laboratories. A research advisor is selected upon completion of rotations in December, in consultation with the Graduate Education Committee.
At the end of the second year students must pass a qualifying exam. The exam consists of a written research proposal in the form of a grant application and an oral defense. The exam provides students with experience in formulating and assessing the feasibility of original research ideas and defending their scientific merit. Successful completion of the qualifying exam advances the student to Ph.D. candidacy.
Research and dissertation
Dissertation research is the most important part of the Ph.D. Program. Original research is carried out in close consultation with the dissertation advisor. The purpose of the dissertation is to give the student a deep understanding of one area of biochemistry, as well as training in research methods and scientific writing. In consultation with the advisor, students select four members to join their pre-thesis committee. The committee is typically composed of two faculty from the Department and two outside members. The advisor and pre-thesis committee members provide recommendations for areas of specific study and assist the Ph.D. candidate to ensure a successful and timely completion of the degree. Students prepare a completed research proposal for the first pre-thesis committee meeting and are strongly encouraged to seek guidance from all members of the Department.
In addition to course and research work students participate in a variety of formal and informal research seminars. Students attend weekly Biochemistry Program seminars and special symposia throughout the year featuring speakers from Case and outside universities. During the second year each student is required to present a Departmental seminar describing research from the current literature. A Departmental seminar is also required for presentation of a students thesis research upon completion of their degree.