Retreat 24': October 24-25, 2024
Presentation and Format Information:
Each year students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and staff gather together for two days of presentations by students and postdocs—both talks and posters. The two-day retreat provides you with the opportunity to showcase your research and learn about scientific endeavors and accomplishments within the department. You will also have the chance to initiate collaborations and get to know your colleagues better.
- Two guest speakers are invited: a nominal scientist in the field of pharmacology as a keynote speaker to present his research accomplishments; and
- a senior faculty associated with the Department of Pharmacology to present a story of his research career.
The first day evening is used to socialize through fun team-based games.
- All Pharmacology graduate students (with the exception of first-year students) and postdoctoral fellows are required to submit abstracts as part of their training experience.
- Abstracts will be assigned to either an oral or poster presentation session at the discretion of the retreat organizers.
- Other individuals who desire to submit an abstract for consideration are encouraged to do so, however, preference will be given to Pharmacology students and postdocs for oral presentations.
- The allocated time for the oral presentation is 10-12 min with 3-5 min for discussion.
- There are two poster sessions, one on each day.
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors: Genscript Biotech and Cyagen
Our department extends its sincere gratitude to our amazing sponsors, Genscript Biotech and Cyagen, for their generous support during the 2023 Annual Department Retreat. Their active involvement within our community, as well as their efforts in imparting knowledge about their services to our students, faculty, and staff, are greatly appreciated.
GenScript Biotech Corporation (HK.1548) is a global leader in life science research, development, and manufacturing. Their expertise in gene synthesis underpins four key platforms. Genscript provides advanced life science services and products, serves as a partner in biologics contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), offers high-quality industrial synthetic products, and leads the way in global cell therapy advancement through an integrated approach. This corporation is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery and making impactful contributions to life sciences/biotechnology.
Cyagen stands as a renowned global leader, specializing in the creation of genetically modified rodent models and cutting-edge cellular and gene therapy solutions designed to address the multifaceted needs of the research and development (R&D) community. Their expertise encompasses a wide spectrum of applications, ranging from the development of disease models to pioneering AAV discovery and the execution of comprehensive drug efficacy studies, among other pivotal contributions to scientific progress.
Case Western Reserve University and its Department of Pharmacology look forward to continued partnerships with Cyagen and GenScript Biotech!
Retreat 23': October 23rd-24th, 2023
2023 Award Winners:
Best Oral Presentation: Parth Majmudar
Outstanding Student of the Year Award: Jean Moon, Ph.D.
Excellence in Research Award: Sepalika Bandara, Ph.D.
Best Poster Presentations: Elizabeth Knauss, Marnie Williams, Taylor Baker, Karen Hernandez, Brendan Sheehan, and Isioma Akwanamnye
Retreat 22': October 27, 2022
2022 Award Winners:
Nathan S. Greenfield Family Travel Award: NaShea Kendrick
Students of the Year: Kimberly Parker
Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar: Xu Han, Ph.D.
Best Mini Presentations: Yuli Buckley, Rakesh Maharjan, Ramkumar Srinivasagan, Alexander Day, Briana Bauer, Jaqueline, Plau
Best Full Oral Presentation: Sarah Kohrt and Jean Moon
Excellence in Research: Joseph T. Ortega, Ph.D.
Retreat 20': October 26-30, 2020
**The 2020 Department of Pharmacology Annual Retreat was modified to a remote format to maintain the safety of all participants due to COVID 19.
2020 Award Winners:
Nathan S. Greenfield Family Travel Award: Elizabeth Knauss
Students of the Year: Xu Han & Tawna Mangosh
Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar: Chris E. Morgan, Ph.D.
Best Mini Presentations: Adina Brett-Morris, Sepalika Bandara, Katrina Piemonte, Jennings Luu
Best Full Oral Presentation: Sarah Kohrt
Closest to the Time Limit: Joseph T. Ortega (4.57 min for Mini) & Christine Lee-Poturalski (9.55 min for Full)
Excellence in Research: Wei Huang, Ph.D.