Campus Security Authority

Who is a CSA?

"CSA" is a Clery-Act specific term that encompasses certain departments, groups and individual university employees who have a duty to report crimes they become aware of. The Clery Act designates the following individuals as Campus Security Authorities (CSA):

  • A campus police department or a campus security department of an institution.
  • Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department.
  • Any individual or organization specified in an institution's statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.
  • An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.

The Role of a CSA

If you are a Case Western Reserve University CSA and are made aware of an alleged Clery Act Crime, you must report that information to the CWRU Division of Public Safety. If you are unsure whether the incident is reportable under the Clery Act, please contact CWRU Division of Public Safety as soon as possible and report it.

  • Emergency: 216.368.3333
  • Non-Emergency: 216.368.3300
  • Email:

CSAs should NOT investigate crimes or attempt to determine whether a crime occurred. Rather, a CSA's obligation is to simply report the information as soon as possible.

Complete a CSA Incident Report


  • You are a trusted person on the CWRU campus.
  • You are in a role where a fellow student, faculty member or staff may come to you for support.
  • You play a very important role in assisting with the prevention and response to crime!

A few examples include:

  • Members of police and security departments
  • Deans and directors
  • Title IX coordinators
  • Office of Student Conduct staff
  • Athletic team coaches
  • University housing staff
  • Faculty and staff advisors to student organizations
  • Study abroad faculty and staff
  • Greek life advisors
  • Listen to what they have to say
  • Inform them (what you’ll do, what they can expect)
  • Refer them
  • Thank them
  • Report it
    • If you are unsure whether the crime should be reported, REPORT IT! There is no harm in submitting a report that may not need included as a statistic. However, not reporting Clery Crimes could cause the university to be penalized.

Report Clery crimes to your supervisor or the CWRU Division of Public Safety.

Keep in mind, ALL crimes need to be reported to the police department; however, Clery crimes need to be reported as a statistic as well.

Remember: The individual reporting the crime may not want police involvement. That is their right; however, YOU MUST STILL REPORT THE CLERY CRIME; the crime will need to be reported as a statistic.

Reporting is easy! Fill out the CSA incident report form.

  • Date/time of the incident
  • General location
  • Description (nature of the crime)