Safe Ride

What is Safe Ride?

Safe Ride Vehicle

In addition to the university's Shuttle Bus Service, Safe Ride carries students, faculty and staff around campus and part of University Circle. The service is an after-hours addition to public transportation. It runs seven days a week, between 6 p.m. and 3 a.m. Security officers drive all Safe Ride vehicles. (Need a ride outside these hours? Call CWRU dispatch at 216.368.3300.)

Your Safety Is Our Priority

Safe Ride aims to provide a safe evening hours transportation option for Case Western Reserve University students, staff and faculty.  

Passenger safety is the primary concern of all drivers providing the Safe Ride service. To that end, if a driver believes a passenger may require medical attention of any nature, including intoxication, the driver will call a supervisor to determine if a medical assessment by EMS personnel is needed. Safe Ride is not intended to be a medical transport service.

We encourage all students, faculty or staff to call CWRU police and request help for those in need of medical assistance on or near campus. 

Please note: CWRU has a medical amnesty policy that includes alcohol and other drugs. Students who call for help for an intoxicated friend (from CWRU police, CWRU EMS or another campus resource) will not face disciplinary action. The assisted individual also will not face university disciplinary action.

Request a Ride

There are three ways to request a Safe Ride between the hours of 6 p.m. and 3 a.m.:

Spartan Ride Logo

1. Visit

2. Call 216.368.3000

3. Download "CWRU Spartan Ride" from the iPhone App Store or Google Play


Service Area

The service area for the Safe Ride program is located on this map.

Safe Ride Statistics

September 2024



Requested Rides


Rides Completed


Riders Served


Miles Driven


Rider Wait (Minutes)


View previous Safe Ride Statistics.


If you would like to provide feedback about Safe Ride please use the “post ride feedback” function within the Spartan Safe app, or email