Schedule of Classes Administration

Classes are maintained in the Student Information System (SIS) within the Schedule of Classes (SOC) module. Resources for those who schedule classes for their academic organization can be found here.

Gaining Access

Access to maintain the Schedule of Classes (SOC) gives users the ability to update current class data, such as meeting patterns and instructors of record, as well as add new classes to the schedule. This access is based on academic organization(s) (e.g., ACCT). Users will only have access to maintain classes owned by their department. Training is required before this access can be granted.

Begin by requesting access to SIS by submitting a SIS Security Request Form. 

Training and Resources

New users requesting access to the SOC will need to watch this video in order for that access to be granted.

After watching the video, please fill out and submit the SOC Training Completion Form. You will be contacted by a member of the University Registrar's team to confirm your new access.

Download the SOC Process Checklist for the suggested steps to take to maintain your classes.

All other training videos and guides can be found on SIS Resources in the Schedule of Classes section.

More Class Administration Topics

Course Components

Component is the SIS term used to describe the teaching format (or formats) of a course. One course offering can have multiple components (such as lecture and lab). See a full list of component types and definitions in use at Case Western Reserve University.

Instruction Mode

Instruction Mode indicates the way instruction will be delivered for a class, such as In Person, Traditional (P) or Distance, Total (DT) . Class schedulers designate the mode of instruction on the class section. See Instruction Mode by Term for a full list of codes and guidelines. 

Course Time Grid

Case Western Reserve University has an official time grid for courses. As much as it is possible, class sections should be scheduled within the grid time slots.

Classroom Scheduling

Classroom requests are entered in SIS by the department at the time the class is scheduled. All courses that require a room to be scheduled by the University Registrar's Office should either have a requested room listed or have "TBS TBS" listed in Facility ID. TBA listed in Facility ID indicates that the department will be responsible for scheduling the room without assistance from the University Registrar's Office.

Scheduling guidelines for courses that require a room to be scheduled by the University Registrar's Office can be found on Classroom Scheduling.

All other training videos and guides can be found on SIS Resources in the Schedule of Classes section.

For other curriculum related information, see Curriculum and Program Management.