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Defusing Confrontations
April 15, 2022With input from the Schubert Center for Child Studies, Cleveland police adopt a new policy for interacting with youth by Sheehan HannanA video portraying…
Schubert Center Joins Amicus to Seek Lead Free Compliance from Shaker House
March 23, 2022Filing Date: 3/15/2022
Op-Ed: Youth Violence is also a Cry for Connection
February 25, 2022In a guest column, Gabriella Celeste, Policy Director of the Schubert Center for Child Studies at CWRU, calls for more efforts to engage local youth positively…
Dr. Sonia Minnes, delivers expert testimony about the pandemic's impact on learning and child care to the Ohio General Assembly’s Child Care Study Committee
February 09, 2022Dr. Sonia Minnes was invited by Andrea White, State Representative of Ohio House District 41, to submit expert testimony about the pandemic's impact on learning…
Schubert Center joins Cleveland Children's Coalition in Letter & Proposal to Mayor-Elect Bibb on Child Well-Being
December 16, 2021"Shaping a Vision for Child Well-Being & Cleveland's Future" was presented as a briefing book to Mayor-Elect Bibb in December 2021 with a focus on Education…
Congratulations & Thank You to Lisa Kollins!
November 04, 2021The Schubert Center for Child Studies is so grateful to Lisa Kollins as she bids farewell as our center administrator to take the helm of her inspiring Superhero…
Schubert Releases Video: Youth and Policing in Cleveland
October 20, 2021The Schubert Center has released a short video to raise awareness of the new Cleveland Division of Police's "Interactions with Youth Policy."Cleveland Consent Decree Community Conversations: “Youth and Policing”
October 05, 2021The Schubert Center for Child Studies served as a community partner for “Youth and Policing,” a session of the United Way of Greater Cleveland and…Schubert Center partners with CWRU MPH program
September 13, 2021For the second year, the Schubert Center for Child Studies is partnering with the CWRU Masters of Public Health program to provide child and adolescent-focused…
Preventing Childhood Toxic Stress: Schubert Associate Andrew Garner Co-Authors "Pediatrics" Article
August 03, 2021Schubert Associate Andrew Garner (MD, PhD, FAAP) co-authored a new policy statement, Preventing Childhood Toxic Stress: Partnering With Families and…