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Advocating for Child Wellness: Gabriella Celeste's Testimony to the Ohio Senate Health Committee on Substitute House Bill 33
May 09, 2023Gabriella Celeste, co-founder and co-chair of the Ohio Lead-Free Kids Coalition and the Schubert Center for Child Studies Policy Director, recently provided…
Advocating for Ohio's Children: Policy Director Gabriella Celeste Testifies on the Strong Foundations Act and its Impact on Early Childhood Well-being
May 08, 2023Gabriella Celeste, Policy Director of the Schubert Center for Child Studies at Case Western Reserve University, submitted her written testimony to House Families…
In Memory of Gayle Channing Tenebaum
April 18, 2023The Schubert Center for Child Studies expresses deep and profound gratitude to Gayle Channing Tenenbaum. Gayle was a fierce and formidable advocate for the most…
We're hiring! Join the Schubert Center for Child Studies as a Program and Evaluation Manager
April 05, 2023The Schubert Center for Child Studies is seeking a full-time Program and Evaluation Manager (job code #11305) to support community-based research, specifically…
Handcuffing Girls in Crisis Review - Urgent Call for Action
December 27, 2022In a response to the "Handcuffing Girls in Crisis Review," the Schubert Center for Child Studies highlights significant concerns regarding the Cleveland Division…
Ohio Collaborative Community Police Advisory Board - Developmentally Appropriate Policing & Positive Youth Interactions
June 15, 2022New Police-Youth Minimum Standard Established by Ohio Collaborative Board were released in May 2022. They give law enforcement an outline of best practices when…Discipline Disparities Among Students with Dis/abilities
May 31, 2022Dr. Amy Fisher, Post-Doc at the Schubert Center for Child Studies, wrote a chapter on the topic, School Discipline at the Intersection of Race and Ability:…
Public Comment to Model Curriculum for Instruction on Student Interactions with Peace Officers
May 26, 2022The Schubert Center's Policy Director, Gabriella Celeste, responded to an Ohio Department of Education request for public comment regarding the draft Model…
Spotlight on Spring 2022 Externs
May 10, 2022During the Spring of 2022, students Jazmin Diaz and Zoë Büki participated in the Mann Child Policy Externship Program. The program allows students to…