Resilience in Adversity: Promoting Positive Outcomes for Maltreated Children [SCHUBERT CENTER CONVERSATION SERIES]
Event Date: April 14th 2016 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
With Megan Holmes, assistant professor, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences
Suicide in Children and Adolescents: Challenges and Priorities for Prevention [SCHUBERT CENTER CONVERSATION SERIES]
Event Date: March 22nd 2016 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
With Jeff Bridge, principal investigator at the Center for Innovation in Pediatric Practice at Nationwide Children’s Hospital; Cheryl Holton, program director/ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; Garrett Lee Smith, Grant Project director at the…
Brown Gold: African-American Children’s Literature as a Genre of Resistance [SCHUBERT CENTER CONVERSATION SERIES]
Event Date: February 18th 2016 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
With Michelle Martin, professor, University of South Carolina; Cara Bryne, Schubert Center Advisor; and Deborah McHamm, president and CEO of A Cultural Exchange
Innovative Partnerships for Healthy Children & Youth [SCHUBERT CENTER CONVERSATION SERIES]
Event Date: January 12th 2016 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
With Christine Alexander-Rager, associate professor of family medicine at the School of Medicine and chairman of family medicine at MetroHealth; Nazha Abughali, professor of pediatrics in the School of Medicine and chair of the Department of Pediatrics at MetroHealth;…
Medical Legal Partnership Informing Systemic Advocacy for Child Health [SCHUBERT CENTER CONVERSATION SERIES]
Event Date: November 12th 2015 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
With Robert Pettigano, associate professor of pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine; Lisa Bliss, associate clinical professor, Georgia State University College of Law
Exploring the Impact of Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Involvement on Future Youth Outcomes [SCHUBERT CENTER CONVERSATION SERIES]
Event Date: November 5th 2015 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
With Claudia Coulton, Professor of Urban Research & Social Change; Thomas Pristow, director of the Cuyahoga County Division of Child and Family Services; and Kate Lodge, project director for A Place 4 Me.
The Fish Versus the Fisherman: Equipping Youth with the Tools to Thrive [SCHUBERT CENTER CONVERSATION SERIES]
Event Date: October 1st 2015 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
With Annemarie Grassi, CEO of Open Doors Academy, and Lisa Damour, clinical instructor in the Department of Psychological Sciences and director of the Laurel School’s Center for Research on Girls
Sexual Orientation and Parenting: Research and Policy Issues [SCHUBERT CENTER EVENT]
Event Date: September 23rd 2014 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
With Dr. Charlotte Patterson, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Women, Gender & Sexuality Program, University of Virginia; Phyllis Harris, Executive Director, LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland; and Dr. Amy Przeworski, Assistant Professor,…
Growing Up and Out of Crime: A Developmental Approach to Juvenile Justice [SCHUBERT CONVERSATION SERIES]
Event Date: November 8th 2013 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
With Ed Mulvey, professor of psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh
Children of Incarcerated Parents: The Role of Pediatricians and the Community [SCHUBERT CENTER CONVERSATION SERIES]
Event Date: October 17th 2013 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
With Lolita McDavid, Medical Director, Child Advocacy and Protection, UH Case Medical Center