Latest alert: Fungal contamination in Remel unsterilized prepared media plates. See all Safety Alerts.
If you see safety violations or other inappropriate behavior, but want to remain anonymous, call 866.483.9367 or Go to Integrity Hotline.
Before any work can be done, a clearance needs to be performed to assure there are no hazards.
Check out the Safety Clearance Procedure
Check out the office of sustainability site concerning recycling (including eWaste) as an option to disposal.
Find new OSHA requirements, shipping standards, and more in EHS newsletters.
Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) is responsible for administering and monitoring the occupational safety and health efforts at Case Western Reserve University. Our goal is to prevent and/or minimize employee/personnel injuries illnesses from and occupational exposure to potentially hazardous work environments and activities across campus. Facility Safety covers both in-house employees as well as contractors working on campus. The facilities safety program strives to maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all affected employees. Our CWRU Facility Safety Programs and related forms can be found below.
If you need to file an injury report, please use this form below. This Report must be completed whenever an occupational injury/illness has occurred. Please see the instructions on the form for completion.
Program Descriptions and Forms
Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Safety Program
Asbestos is a broad term to describe a group of naturally occurring silicate minerals. These minerals have been integrated into thousands of building products due to the functional and versatile properties they retain. The commonly found forms of asbestos are chrysotile, amosite and tremolite. Asbestos minerals have many properties that make it an ideal ingredient in multiple building products. For example, these properties include high heat resistance, electrical resistance, high tensile strength and the ability to be woven. Exposure to airborne asbestos fibers can lead to the development of an asbestos related disease. Asbestosis is the first recognized disease associated with asbestos exposure. Asbestosis is known as the “scarring of the air sacs.” Asbestos exposure can lead to a rare form of cancer called mesothelioma. Lung cancer has been connected to asbestos exposure and is complicated by cigarette smoking.
Confined Space Safety Program
OSHA defines a confined space as a space that:
- Is large enough and so configured that an employee can enter and perform work, AND
- Is not intended for continuous occupancy, AND
- Has a limited or restricted means of entrance or egress.
In addition, if all three of these conditions exist and any of the following also are present or potentially present, a written entry permit must be obtained from EHS prior to entry:
- hazardous atmosphere, OR
- material which could engulf an entrant
- an internal configuration such that the entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated.
It is the policy of Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) that all employees who are required to enter OSHA-defined confined spaces must attend Confined Space Entry Training prior to making the entry. Confined space non-entry rescuers must also complete a training. Driver Safety Training Program
Contractor Safety Awareness
Crane Hoist and Rigging Safety Program
Cranes, hoists, and rigging pose a serious safety hazard if not used properly. It is the policy of Case Western Reserve University to ensure employees are trained on the hazards of using cranes, hoists, and rigging and also to ensure that such equipment is safely maintained.
Drivers Safety Training
It is the purpose of Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Motor Vehicle Safety Program to operate and maintain its motor vehicle fleet in a manner that is safe, cost efficient and in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. The motor vehicle fleet is defined to include all vehicles owned, leased or rented in the CWRU name.Driver safety awareness training is required for employees and students who drive CWRU vehicles. Retraining is not required.
Driver's that need the training can register at 216.368.2907 or On-line.
A valid driver's license is required.
Classes are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday (9am) and Friday (1pm) of the month.
Fire Extinguisher Safety Program (Facility Personnel Specific)
The purpose of the Fire Safety Program of Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) is to protect its employees who must exit from an area where a fire hazard is present. This program applies to the placement, use, maintenance and testing of portable fire extinguishers provided for the use of employees and also provides basic safety guidelines when trying to exit a building when a fire occurs.
Hazard Communications
Hazard Communication training is required for employees who will be, or may be exposed to hazardous substances. Your training varies based on your position within the university. Topics may include: ancillary radiation safety, bloodborne pathogen standard.
Hearing Conservation Safety Program
The primary objective of the Case Western Reserve University Hearing Conservation Program is to systematically recognize and manage areas with noise hazards. It aims to safeguard employees from occupational noise-induced hearing loss by identifying and protecting those at risk. Whenever possible, the program prioritizes the elimination or reduction of excessive noise exposure in the workplace through the implementation of engineering controls or appropriate work practices. This proactive approach ensures that efforts to mitigate noise risks precede the inclusion of employees in the CWRU Hearing Conservation Program.
Heat Stress Prevention Safety Program
The Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Heat Stress Prevention Program has been developed to provide workers with the training and equipment necessary to protect them from heat related exposures and illnesses and instruct employees on how to cope with heat stress should they become affected.
Ladder Safety Program
The Ladder Safety Program educates CWRU employees and students to recognize and avoid hazards related to the use of fixed and portable ladders.
Lock Out Tag Out Safety Program
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) is committed to ensuring that all machinery is evaluated and meets the criteria for lockout/tagout within our facilities. Hazardous energy sources found in the workplace include electrical (generated or static); mechanical (transitional or rotational); thermal (machines, equipment or chemical reactions) and potential (hydraulic, pneumatic or vacuum pressure, springs or gravity). By observing all safety practices, devastating injuries such as the loss of a limb, paralysis or electrocution can be avoided.
Mold Remediation Safety Program
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) is committed to ensuring proper methods for cleanup and disposal following an indoor water release (incursion), which may result in damaged building materials. The prompt cleanup of water is necessary to minimize property loss and prevent microbial growth. This program also details proper methods for mold remediation if cleaning and drying was not successful or if mold is identified during initial inspection. It is also essential to identify and eliminate the source of moisture that has contributed to water damage or mold growth as part of the remediation process.
Powered Industrial Trucks (PIT)
Powered industrial trucks are industrial vehicles that pushes, pulls, stacks or tiers loads. PITs include fork trucks, platform lift trucks, motorized hand trucks (pallet jacks). All employees affected by this program are required to take classroom training, followed by a hands on training and a practical skills exam before the operator can drive independently.