Radiation and Laser Safety

CWRU is authorized to use radioactive material by the State of Ohio, which became an Agreement State on August 31, 1999. Radioactive material is extensively used in the several hundred biomedical research laboratories on campus. Safe use, in compliance with the complex controls and regulations governing the use of radioactivity, is the primary goal of the Radiation Safety Program. This goal must be realized in a research-friendly environment, a philosophy captured by the phrase "low-impact compliance.”

For information on disposing of radioactive or other hazardous waste, see our waste page.

To learn the correct process for ordering radioactive material, view this document.

Common Forms

Some forms are to be faxed to EHS, 216.368.2236.

  • Blank Purchase Requisition Form: Required for purchasing radioactive material.
  • Sample Survey Meter Map Legend: Review this example of a laboratory survey form that describes what locations are needed on a map.
  • Environmental Release form: Fill out this form if you release radioactivity into the sanitary sewer system or into a fume hood. Reports must be made to the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District twice yearly to ensure CWRU complies with EPA requirements.
  • External Transfer and SAIRC Form (Download and edit): Before transferring radioactive materials off campus, return these forms to the Radiation Safety Office. Contact Safety Services at 216.368.2907 for additional training before shipping material.
  • Internal Transfer: Before transferring radioactive material between Authorized Users within CWRU, this form must be delivered to the Radiation Safety Office.
  • Isotope Inventory: Record use of an isotope from an individual stock vial on this inventory sheet. One sheet should be used per stock vial of isotope. This sheet should be placed in a radiation notebook for auditing purposes.
  • Waste Accumulation: Post this sheet on or near a waste container to track contents. The isotope, along as well as its maximum activity, should be written on the waste container. Old waste accumulation sheets should be placed in a radiation notebook for auditing purposes.
  • Sewer Disposal: Post a log sheet near sinks to track waste disposal activity into the sanitary sewer.
  • Application for Non-Human Use of Radioactive Materials: Submit this form to use radioactive material or add an isotope to an existing license.
  • Declaration of Pregnancy: Initiate fetal monitoring (pregnant users) by delivering this form to the Radiation Safety Office. An additional badge will be issued and changed monthly throughout pregnancy.
  • Incident Report: Send this form to the Radiation Safety Office if a major spill occurs.
  • Lost Dosimetry (ring or badge) form: Return this form for lost body badges and/or rings. The Radiation Safety Office can issue a new badge/ring.

Educational Materials

Radiation Manuals

  • Radiation Safety Manual: This manual is practical guide for personnel using radioactive material in the laboratory. It contains information on such topics as how to prepare radioactive waste for pickup, the proper way to check in a package, and how to perform a room survey.
  • Radiation Safety Training Manual: This manual builds on the concepts presented in Part 1 of the New Radiation worker training class and should be reviewed prior to attending the class. See also our training enforcement policy.
  • Radiation Generating Equipment Manual: This manual is a practical guide for all laboratory personnel using Radiation Generating Equipment (RGE) such as electron microscopes and x-ray diffraction units. It contains information on specific requirements for each class of RGE.

Laser Manuals

Sample Laser Safety Vendor List (not exclusive)