Information for course enrollment
List of approved technical elective courses
- This list is more current than what is shown in SIS; please submit an Academic Advisement Report substitution form (instructions below) if you complete one of these courses and it is not listed in SIS as a technical elective option.
BIOC courses schedule for 2025-26 (updated 02/21/25)
BIOC 391 permission request form
- Please i) email completed BIOC 391 form to and ii) request permission to enroll in SIS. Please enroll in the BIOC 391 section with your faculty research mentor as instructor; if that section is not available, please enroll in the section with your Biochemistry faculty major advisor as instructor.
Other forms
These forms should be completed and emailed to the Biochemistry undergraduate program director (
- To declare/change your major or add/drop a concentration
Academic Advisement Report Substitution Form
- To switch to the new Biochemistry major requirements (specify "Fall, 2023" as the new bulletin term) or to request a course substitution approval.
Sample plans of study for the Biochemistry BA and BS
The Biochemistry B.A. and B.S. requirements were updated for the 2023-24 General Bulletin. Students should refer to the sample plan of study that corresponds to their General Bulletin term.
Biochemistry B.A. sample plan of study (2023-24 or later)
Biochemistry B.S. sample plan of study (2023-24 or later)
Biochemistry B.A. sample plan of study (2022-23 or earlier)
Biochemistry B.S. sample plan of study (2022-23 or earlier)
Course requirements for the Biochemistry BA, BS, and minor
Biochemistry major and minor requirements in the 2024-25 General Bulletin
Biochemistry major and minor requirements in the 2023-24 General Bulletin
Biochemistry major and minor requirements in the 2022-23 General Bulletin
Biochemistry major and minor requirements in the 2021-22 General Bulletin
Biochemistry major and minor requirements in the 2020-21 General Bulletin