Annual Postdoc Picnic 2024
The CWRU Postdoctoral Association (PDA) strives to support and enhance the experiences of postdoctoral researchers on an academic, career development, social, political and cultural basis.
The PDA holds regular monthly meetings (all postdocs are invited to attend the monthly meetings or the individual committee meetings); check the Calendar on the right side of the page for the upcoming meeting date and time. Minutes are available on the left navigation menu.
Email (sent to all current PDA members): postdocassociation@case.edu
Current Leadership 2023
Sr. Co-President: Popular Pandey (pxp440@case.edu)
Jr. Co-President: Vacant
Secretary: Yalitza Lopez Corcino (yzl2@case.edu)
Treasurer: Nisha Bhattarai (nxb446@case.edu)
PDA and Faculty Senate Committees
Click here to see our current committees and their members.
Cleveland Biomedical Trainee Alliance (CBTA)
The CWRU PDA was accepted into the CBTA in October 2023. The CBTA was formed in 2022 with the purpose of collaborating to bring graduate and postdoctoral trainees together across the Cleveland region for robust professional and personal development with opportunities for networking and career planning on a multi-institutional scale.
- Cleveland Clinic Lerner Trainee Association (LTA)
- CWRU Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Association
- CWRU Biomedical Graduate Student Organization (BGSO)
- CWRU Postdoctoral Association (PDA)
- Cleveland State University (CSU) Association of Biomedical and Chemical Engineers
CWRU CBTA Representatives: Sekhar Jaggarapu (mxj516@case.edu) and Arpan Mahanty (axm2067@case.edu)