Emergency Management

Be Prepared

Are you prepared to respond in the event of an emergency? Whatever form a situation takes—from natural disaster to infectious outbreak—it's most important that all students, faculty and staff are informed on how to respond quickly and appropriately in the event of an emergency.

Steps of Emergency Management

Emergency Reporting and Procedures

Emergencies can occur without notice, anytime, anywhere. In coordination with area first-responders and university administration, the Office of Emergency Management has established sets of procedures to help students, faculty and staff respond quickly and appropriately to emergency situations.

Emergency Alerts

In the event of a campus emergency, Case Western Reserve notifies the university community through Spartan Safe, a text- and voice-messaging alert system (in addition to other means). Only used in cases of imminent danger or serious threats to the campus community or closures due to weather, Spartan Alerts are an opt-out system.


We offer a number of resources for the university community to help them prepare for emergency situations and be informed on how best to respond in a quick and appropriate manner.

Plans and Procedures

What to Do in an Emergency

Every emergency is different. We've outlined key steps to respond to some of the more common emergency situations:

These don’t explain everything, so download the PDFs, print them and file for future use. Consider posting them in your classroom or reviewing them with your employees each year.

Active Aggressor

An active aggressor or shooter is a person who appears to be actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area- typically using firearms, but possibly using other weapons such as knives or vehicles.  

Case Western Reserve University follows the "Run. Hide. Fight." active-shooter protocol.


  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Help others escape, if possible.
  • Evacuate regardless of others.
  • Warn/prevent individuals from entering the area.


  • Be out of the active shooter's view.
  • Provide protection if shots are fired.
  • Not restrict options for movement.
    • Transition and run away if the situation allows.
  • If the shooter is nearby:
    • Lock the door.
    • Hide behind large items.
    • Silence your phone.
    • Remain quiet.


  • Commit to your actions.
  • Act as aggressively as possible.
  • Throw objects and improvised items around you as weapons.
  • Work together to incapacitate the shooter.

How to React When Law Enforcement Arrives

  • Remain calm, and follow officers’ instructions.
  • Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
  • Keep hands visible at all times.
  • Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as attempting to hold on to them for safety.
  • Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling.
  • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises.

Download the full instructions for an active shooter situation

Bomb Threat

Bomb threats are commonly received via phone, email, written note, or in person.

If you receive a phone call bomb threat:

  1. Write down everything said and the exact time of call.
  2. Keep the caller talking as long as possible and ask the following:
    • Who are you?
    • Where is the bomb located?
    • When will the bomb go off?
    • What type of bomb is it?
    • What does the bomb look like?
    • Why was the bomb planted?
  3. Call police dispatch immediately at 216.368.3333 and provide the information.

Download the full instructions for a bomb threat

CWRU Alert

Your phone buzzes, your email pings and a Spartan Safe notification pops up. But what, exactly, do you need to do when you receive a CWRU Alert? Let's break it down.

Emergency Alert

The message: CWRU Alert: Emergency reported on campus; police are investigating. Stay alert and await further instruction. ONLY call 216.368.3333 with info or in an emergency.

Your action: Limit travel. Pay attention to your surroundings—and pay attention to your phone for a follow-up message in at least the next 15 minutes.

Shelter in Place

The message: CWRU Alert: Emergency. Shelter in place; if outdoors, find a safe location (buildings require CWRU ID). ONLY call 216.368.3333 with
info or in another emergency.

Your action: If you’re indoors, stay where you are; you do not need to take further action at this point, other than staying alert. If you’re outdoors, find a safe location—but know that buildings are now card-only access, which means if your ID doesn’t grant you access to a specific building, you cannot enter. Do not leave your location until the “All Clear” message is received..


The message: CWRU Alert: Active aggressor. Building exterior doors locked. Lockdown. Follow “Run. Hide. Fight.” protocol. Updates to follow in 15 minutes or sooner.

Your action: Buildings are now in lockdown— which means no one can enter any non-residential buildings, even with a keycard. If you’re indoors, stay where you are but lock and barricade all doors. If you’re outdoors, move quickly to a location off campus. If you’re in the building with an active aggressor, follow Run. Hide. Fight. protocol: leaving the situation if possible but, if not, hiding from the aggressor or, as a last resort, fighting.

Download the full instructions for CWRU Alerts


Earthquakes are a sudden slipping or movement of the Earth's crust or plates that are caused by a release of stress.

If you are indoors:

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. "DUCK, COVER, and HOLD!" If you are not near a strong desk or table, drop to the floor and cover your head and neck with your arms.
  3. Watch for falling objects such as light fixtures, bookcases, cabinets, shelves and other furniture that might slide or topple.
  4. Avoid windows, heavy objects, or things hanging from walls.
  5. Do NOT try to exit the building during the earthquake. Many fatalities occur when people try to exit the building, and are hit by falling debris.
  6. Do NOT use elevators.
  7. If you use a wheelchair, lock the wheels and cover your head.
  8. Be prepared for aftershocks.
  9. Report locations of injured people to CWRU Public Safety at 216.368.3333.

If you are outdoors:

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Stay away from buildings: falling debris can catch a wind gust and travel great distances.
  3. Avoid power lines, trees, and other objects that have the ability to fall or do damage.
  4. Move to a clear area if you can safely walk. 

Download the full instructions for an earthquake‌

Elevator Safety

Most elevators have an emergency alarm system that is operable from within the car. This allows passengers to call for assistance in case of an emergency.

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Press “PUSH TO CALL” to tell the dispatcher:
    1. Your name and that you are stuck in an elevator.
    2. What building you are in and which elevator (if known).
    3. If others are in the elevator with you and how many.
  3. If the elevator you are in has no phone or it does not work, push the “ALARM” or “bell” button until you hear acknowledgement that help is on the way or use a cellphone if available to call 216.368.3333.
  4. Do not attempt to exit the elevator through a hatch or pry the doors open.
  5. Do not exit the elevator if the doors open and you are between floors, unless instructed to do so by emergency personnel. The elevator could move, endangering your life.
  6. Never attempt to exit an elevator that has stalled.

Download the full instructions for an elevator emergency


Be familiar with alternate routes and other means of transportation out of your area.

If evacuating:

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Exit the building immediately. Walk swiftly in a safe manner.
  3. Use the stairs, NOT the elevators.
  4. Accompany and assist persons with disabilities.
  5. Take with you essential items ONLY (cell phone, ID, keys, medications).
  6. Move quickly, but in an orderly manner out of the building. DO NOT PUSH OR SHOVE.
  7. Once out of the building, move at least 300 feet from the structure or as instructed by Public Safety officials.

Download the full instructions for an evacuation


An explosion is a violent release of energy caused by a reaction.

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Use the RACE Method - Rescue, Alert, Close, Evacuate.
    1. Rescue yourself; help others escape if it is safe to do so. 
    2. If it is not already on, activate the fire alarm on the way out to Alert others.
    3. Close the door on the way out to separate you from the fire.
    4. Evacuate the building, then call the CWRU Emergency Line at 216.368.3333.
  3. Use the stairs, NOT the elevators.
  4. Stay low to the ground to avoid smoke inhalation.
  5. If you are properly trained to do so, and if the fire is small, use a fire extinguisher. DO NOT attempt to put the fire out if you are not trained. 
  6. If your clothing catches fire, STOP, DROP and ROLL. 
  7. Do not jeopardize your personal safety, never allow fire to come between you and an exit.
  8. Once out of the building, move at least 300 feet from the structure or as instructed by Public Safety officials.

Download the full instructions for a fire/explosion


Floods are the most common disaster in the United States.

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Notify the CWRU Emergency Line at 216.368.3333
    1. Report the location, nature, and any other relevant information to dispatch.
  3. DO NOT enter the water - keep a safe distance when possible.
  4. If an electrical source is present, use caution and evacuate the area. Never attempt to unplug or remove an electrical appliance or wire from a flooded area.

Download the full instructions for a flood

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials can put people in immediate danger from exposure, contact, inhalation, or ingestion.

Chemical Spill

  1. If toxic chemicals come in contact with your skin, immediately flush the area with water.
  2. If there is possible danger or noxious fumes present, evacuate your area.
  3. Call the CWRU Emergency Line at 216.368.3333.
  4. After the emergency, all chemical spills and fires, no matter how small, should be reported to Environmental Health and Safety.

Chemical Fire

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Immediately call the CWRU Emergency Line at 216.368.3333.
  3. Activate alarm/ pull station.
  4. If the fire is small and you have received training, attempt to distinguish it with a fire extinguisher or other available means. Do not jeopardize your personal safety.
  5. Never allow a fire to come between you and an exit.
  6. Evacuate your area. Close doors and windows behind you to confine the fire.
  7. Do not return to the emergency area until instructed by emergency responders.

Download the full instructions for hazardous materials on campus


Lockdown is a form of sheltering in place used when it may be more dangerous to evacuate.

When you receive a lockdown notification:

  1. Stay in your classroom, room or office; secure the door and windows; and await further instructions or escort.
  2. Barricade the door with tables and chairs; close curtains or blinds; and stay low, quiet and away from windows and doors.
  3. DO NOT call CWRU police or 911 unless you have immediate concern for your safety or the safety of others, or if you have critical information to assist emergency personnel in the response. DO NOT make non-essential calls.

Medical Emergency

A medical emergency is an injury or illness that poses an immediate risk to a person's life or health.

  1. Call CWRU Public Safety 216.368.3333 or 9.1.1.
  2. Unless trained, do not render assistance above basic first aid. 
  3. AEDs and Stop the Bleed Kits are in cabinets in each building in populated areas.
  4. Do not attempt to move the injured person unless they are in immediate danger. 
  5. Clear the area of unnecessary people. 
  6. Have someone meet and escort the medical team to the victim. 
  7. Limit your communications with the ill or injured person to quiet reassurances. 
  8. After the person’s immediate needs have been met, remain to assist the investigating officer with pertinent information about the incident. 

Download the full instructions for a medical emergency

Reporting an Emergency

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Call CWRU Public Safety at 216.368.3333 or 911.
  3. Speak slowly and clearly.
  4. Try to provide all the information to the best of your ability to the dispatcher. 
  5. Remain on the phone with the dispatcher. 
  6. Instruct someone to meet emergency personnel and escort them to the incident. 
  7. Anonymously report an incident through Rave Guardian 


Download the full instructions for reporting an emergency

Severe Weather

Severe weather includes: high winds, tornadoes, hail and flooding.

Severe Storm

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Seek shelter in a sturdy building away from windows, exterior doors, and walls.
  3. Do not use elevators.
  4. Do not open windows in attempt to equalize building pressure.
  5. Stay away from windows, exterior doors, skylights, mirrors, and other objects that could cause injury if knocked over.


  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Seek shelter away from windows.
  3. Do not use elevators.


  1. Seek shelter in a sturdy building.
  2. Avoid elevated places and isolated trees.
  3. Keep your head and body as low to the ground as possible.
  4. Minimize contact with the ground.
  5. Find shelter as quickly as possible.

Download full instructions for severe weather

Shelter in Place

An incident may occur that requires you to remain inside a building during an emergency—either at your discretion or based on instructions from emergency personnel. Examples of when to shelter in place include during a tornado warning, in an active shooter situation if evacuation cannot be attempted safely or during a power failure, among others.

  1. If it is safe to do so, move to an area farthest away from the incident/hazard.
  2. Call police at 216.368.3333 and keep responders informed of changes in your situation.
  3. Leave only if told to do so by first responders, or if the situation changes to allow safe escape or evacuation.

Suspicious Package

A suspicious package might display restricted endorsements such as "personal" or "private".

If you locate a suspicious package:

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Do not move the object.
  3. Do not activate the fire alarm system.
  4. Contact CWRU's Emergency Line at 216.368.3333.
  5. Evacuate the area and do not allow anyone to enter until law enforcement have cleared the area.
  6. Notify a supervisor.
  7. Request other witnesses to remain nearby to speak with CWRU police responders.
  8. Remain available to assist responders.

If you are holding a suspicious package:

  1. Evacuate others from the immediate area.
  2. Gently set the item down on a solid surface on the floor. If there is a powder or liquid, try to set the package or object down in a container like a trash can or bucket.
  3. Cover the item with an article of clothing.
  4. Leave the immediate area.
  5. Wash your hands.
  6. Contact CWRU's Emergency Line at 216.368.3333.

Download the full instructions for a suspicious package


Tornadoes are violently rotating columns of air that can flip cars and create flying debris.

If you are inside:

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Move to the lowest level of the building, preferably in the middle of the building away from doors and windows.
  3. If you cannot make it to the lowest level, seek shelter in a small room under a table or something sturdy.
  4. Do not use elevators.

If you are outside:

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Find any nearby building to enter.
  3. If you cannot find a building to enter, find a ditch, streambed, or ravine to lie flat with your head covered.
  4. Never use overpasses as a cover during a tornado.
  5. Never open car windows to equalize pressure.

Warning Communications

  1. Tornado Watch: Conditions are favorable for a tornado.
  2. Tornado Warning: A tornado has been spotted in the county. Seek shelter immediately.
  3. Warning Sirens: Initiates during a tornado warning and will sound for three minutes followed by seven minutes of silence.
  4. Shelter-in-place until the tornado warning “expires”.

Download the full instructions for a tornado

Utility Emergencies

Utility emergencies may impact the whole community and the economy.

Power Outage

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Notify the CWRU Non-Emergency Line at (216) 368-3300.
  3. Provide assistance to others in your immediate area who are unfamiliar with the building.
  4. If you are in an unlighted area, proceed cautiously to an area that has emergency lighting.
  5. If instructed to evacuate, proceed cautiously to the nearest exit.
  6. Once out of the building, move at least 300 feet from the structure or as instructed by Public Safety officials.

Gas Leak

  1. Try to remain calm.
  2. Notify CWRU Emergency Line at 216.368.3333.
  3. Extinguish any open flames (this includes cigarettes).
  4. Do not use any electrical appliances (microwaves, stoves, etc). Do not turn on/off light switches.
  5. If you begin to feel ill or suspect a serious leak, evacuate the building/leave the area and call 216.368.3333 or 911.
  6. If instructed to evacuate, proceed cautiously to the nearest exit.
  7. Once out of the building, move at least 300 feet from the structure or as instructed by emergency responders.

Download the full instructions for a utility emergency

National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month (NPM) is recognized each September to promote family and community disaster planning now and throughout the year. As our nation continues to respond to COVID-19, there is no better time to be involved this September.
The Department of Resiliency is providing resources for all CWRU community members to better prepare for a wide range of emergencies..

2021 Week 1: Make a Plan

When considering safety, it’s important to make a plan, keeping in mind there are a variety of disasters worth preparing for. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the primary disaster types to keep in mind are:

When creating a plan, you should:

Discuss the following questions with your family and/or roommate(s):

  • How will we know when an emergency is occurring or imminent?
    • At both the national and local levels, emergency alerts and warnings may be sent.
    • At CWRU, you should sign up to receive RAVE alerts, notifications the university sends out in the event of a widespread emergency. These messages might include emergency notifications for lockdowns, sheltering in place, or fires; severe weather closures or delays; security alerts to make the community aware of crimes that occurred on or near campus but no longer present a risk to the community; and neighborhood safety advisories to raise awareness of activity happening in University Circle, such as increased police activity or non-violent crime at a neighboring institution. Be sure to log in to getrave.com/cwru to ensure your mobile number is listed to receive texts.
  • What is our shelter plan?
  • What is our evacuation route?
  • What is our family/household communication plan?
  • Do we need to update our emergency preparedness kit?

In relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, consider specific needs in your household and/or residence hall and update your emergency plan with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance in mind. Think about the following when developing your plans:

  • Different ages of members within your household;
  • Responsibilities for assisting others;
  • Locations frequented;
  • Dietary needs;
  • Medical needs, including prescriptions and equipment;
  • Disabilities or access and functional needs including devices and equipment;
  • Languages spoken;
  • Cultural and religious considerations;
  • Pets or service animals; and
  • Households with school-aged children.

Fill out a Family Emergency Communication Plan.

  • Gather important details, such as contact information for doctors, school and service providers.
  • Once this information has been gathered, make sure everyone in the household has a copy of the plan.

Practice the plan with your household and/or residence hall.

  • Walk through various parts of your plan, including meeting at designated indoor and neighborhood meeting places, talking about who will lead the communications in the event of an emergency, and more.
  • Make sure you review and revise your plan at least once a year.

2021 Week 2: Build A Kit

Items in your supply kit should include the necessary items needed to survive for numerous days. As you get started in preparing your kit, remember to store items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers, such as plastic bins or a duffel bag.

Basic emergency supply kits for your household and or/residence hall should include the following recommended items:

  • Water (one gallon per person for at least 5 days)
  • Food (at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food)
  • Flashlight
  • Extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Whistle
  • Face mask
  • Plastic sheets and duct tape (to shelter in place)
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties (for personal sanitation)
  • Wrench or pliers (to turn off utilities)
  • Local maps
  • Cell phone charger
  • Prescription medications
  • Nonprescription medications (such as pain relievers)
  • Prescription eyeglasses
  • Sleeping bag or warm blanket (one per person)
  • Candle and matches (in a waterproof container)
  • Feminine supplies
  • Books, games or puzzles
  • Paper and pencil

You should also keep a supply kit in your car with the following recommended items:

  • Jumper cables
  • Flares or reflective triangles
  • Toolkit
  • Ice scraper
  • Cell phone charger
  • Blanket
  • Map
  • Umbrella
  • Rain poncho
  • Candle and matches (in a waterproof container)
  • String
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Bottled water

2021 Week 3: Low-Cost, No-Cost Preparedness

Though you can’t always avoid a disaster, you can stay prepared for one by signing up for public alerts and safe-guarding important documents. These precautions, among other low-cost, no-cost preparedness measures can keep you ready for the unexpected.

Staying safe also means staying informed. Receiving timely information during an emergency or severe weather event can make all the difference. Warning and alert systems that can assist with this include:

In addition to staying informed during a disaster, having immediate access to your financial and medical records after the disaster strikes is critical. Taking the time to safeguard these documents will help reduce stress following a disaster.

Here is a list of important documents that you should protect:

  • Household identification 
    • Vital records (birth, marriage, divorce and child custody papers)
    • Passport, driver’s license, social security card, green card, military service identification and other similar documents
    • Pet ownership papers and identification tags
  • Financial and legal documentation
    • Housing: Lease or rental agreement, mortgage, home or equity line of credit, deed
    • Vehicle: Loan documents, VIN, registration, title
    • Other financial obligations: Utility bills, credit cards, student loans, alimony, child support, elder care, automatic payments such as gym memberships 
    • Financial accounts: Checking, savings, debit cards, retirement, investment insurance
    • Policies: Homeowners, renters, auto, life, flood, appraisals, photos, lists of valuable items 
    • Sources of income: Pay stubs, government benefits, alimony, child support 
    • Tax statements: Federal/state income tax returns, property tax, vehicle tax 
    • Estate planning: Will, trust, power of attorney
  • Medical information
    • Health/dental insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, VA health benefits 
    • List of medications, immunizations, allergies, prescriptions, medical equipment and devices, pharmacy information 
    • Living will, medical power of attorney 
    • Caregiver agency contract or service agreement 
    • Disabilities documentation 
    • Contact information for doctors/specialists, dentists, pediatricians, veterinarians
  • Emergency or hotline contact information
    • Employers/supervisors 
    • Schools 
    • Houses of worship 
    • Social service providers 
    • Homeowners associations 
    • Home repair services: Utilities, plumber, roofer, carpenter, electrician
  • Valuables and priceless personal items
    • Priceless personal mementos, family photos, keepsakes 
    • Possessions with monetary value, including jewelry, art and collectibles

2021 Week 4: Teach Youth About Preparedness

Emergencies and disasters can be scary. To help manage this stress, the Office of Resiliency recommends incorporating games and educational programs that can help you teach kids how to stay safe before, during and after a disaster.


  • Disaster Master Game: Challenge kids to help the heroes in your game make survival decisions. If answered correctly, you can unlock new levels. If answered incorrectly, the game could end.
  • Build a Kit Game: Ask kids to help build an emergency kit and checklist as you travel together to different locations.

Educational programs

  • Prepare with Pedro: Children can learn how to stay safe during an emergency by using these free governmental crosswords, coloring and matching games.
  • Pillowcase Project: This resource teaches students ages 3-5 skills that can help them prepare for an emergency. Upon completion, students receive a pillowcase to use to build a disaster supply kit. 

Involving Teens

Everyone has a role within their community to ensure its safety. Teens can help their families, schools and communities by learning how to prepare for disasters. Check out a few of the organizations the Office of Resiliency suggests teens get involved with. 

Youth Preparedness Council

The council was created in 2012 to bring youth leaders together to help their communities prepare for disasters.

Teens can get involved by taking the following steps:

Application requirements:

  • Complete application form
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Academic records
  • List of extracurricular activities
  • Any supplemental materials that showcase capabilities 


The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a national volunteer team that is trained in disaster preparedness and emergency response. 

Why join?

Bystanders are usually the “first responders” on scene. This training helps teens learn how to respond, so that they can offer immediate assistance.

As participants, teens will help organize volunteers, assist in evacuations, give assistance to survivors, provide damage assessment information, provide shelter support and assist with crowd control.

They’ll learn how to put out small fires, conduct light search and rescue, assist the injured, set up medical areas, assist emergency responders, etc.The training takes approximately 20 hours to complete. Teen CERT: Launching and Maintaining a Training

Campus CERT Starter Guide
More information can be found on the Ready government website.

Lifesaving Skills

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

CPR Training

CPR can help save a life during a cardiac or breathing emergency.

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

When someone’s heart stops working, it is known as sudden cardiac arrest. It causes blood to stop flowing to the brain and other organs. Sudden cardiac arrest can cause a person to die within minutes. In some cases, an automated external defibrillator (AED) may save a person’s life.

AED Campus Locations

Every university building is equipped with at least one AED.  They are placed in wall mounted cabinets with visible wall signage.  All AEDs on campus are co-located with Stop the Bleed kits. 

View the AED Locations Map.

What is AED?

AED Cabinet

An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

Why Learn to Use an AED

Sudden cardiac arrest is among the leading causes of death in the United States. Currently, the only way to restore a regular heart rhythm during cardiac arrest is to use an AED. 

Stop the Bleed (Bleeding Control) Kit

To prevent such unnecessary deaths, the Case Western Reserve University Department of Resiliency and CWRU EMS are working together to help the community “Stop the Bleed.” A campaign launched by the federal government, Stop the Bleed empowers bystanders to provide aid in the event of an emergency, similar to initiatives to train individuals to perform CPR and first aid. The campaign instructs individuals on how to apply a tourniquet and pack wounds to control bleeding. Through these methods, bystanders can give a victim crucial time.

Bleeding Control Kit

These public access kits, which have enough supplies to save one or two lives each, have been co-located with AED kits across campus and placed in CWRU police and mobile security vehicles.

To participate in an upcoming Stop the Bleed, CPR, AED, and first aid training opportunities with CWRU EMS, email cwruems-exops@case.edu.

Campus Emergency Response Team

Volunteering to Help Your Campus Community

The Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) program at CWRU comprises campus community members— administrators, faculty and staff— who have been trained to participate and support emergency responders in the event of a disaster or emergency situation.

All team members receive 20 hours of hands-on training to garner fundamental disaster response skills.

The CERT team is equipped to administer basic medical care, conduct light search and rescue, and support fire safety, among other services. CERT members can also help with non-emergency campus programs in a safety support capacity, such as commencement and other special events.

Why Become a Member?

As a CERT member, you will become an ambassador for disaster preparedness and awareness, educating those around you. The skills you learn can impact both your workplace and your home environment. You will be better prepared to support your colleagues, your department and the campus community in time of emergency. Additionally, you can use your knowledge and experience to educate your loved ones and neighbors to better plan for emergency situations.‌


To become a member of CERT, you'll need to go through training, which covers a range of topics, such as disaster preparedness and light search and rescue, and concludes with an interactive simulated emergency.

If you're interested in learning fundamental disaster-response skills in order to assist with immediate needs during emergencies, consider joining the team. Training consists of taking an online course, earning a certificate, and participating in 15 to 20 hours of hands-on training taught by emergency professionals.

  • Class 1: Disaster Preparedness
  • Class 2: CERT Organization
  • Class 3: Disaster Medical Operations - Part 1
  • Class 4: Disaster Medical Operations - Part 2
  • Class 5: Disaster Psychology
  • Class 6: Fire Safety and Utility Control
  • Class 7: Light Search and Rescue Operations
  • Class 8: CERT and Terrorism
  • Class 9: Course Review, Final Exam, and Disaster Simulation
  • Final Exercise

Get Trained 

The Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) program at Case Western Reserve University is a network of campus community members who can support emergency response in the event of a disaster or emergency situation.
But in order to be part of the team, all members must be fully trained.

Training Details

CERT training is overseen by a CWRU certified CERT Trainer. Additional guest trainers include other emergency professionals, including firefighters and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel. Materials are provided through the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Topics include:‌

  • CERT Organization
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Disaster Psychology
  • Light Search and Rescue
  • Disaster Medical Operations
  • Fire Safety and Utility Controls
  • Terrorism

CERT training concludes with an interactive simulated emergency, where newly trained and incumbent CERT team members work together to exercise their new skills.

If you would like an overview of the CERT training program, please complete the interactive web-based course offered through FEMA, IS-317: Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams. Supplementary training materials are available on the FEMA website.

Communicating with You in an Emergency

Case Western Reserve’s Communications Center, or dispatch, staff are the central "hub" to police operations, alarm monitoring, emergency response, emergency and non-emergency calls and more for the campus community.

Our trained team of public safety communications officers are here to answer your calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

We are the primary contact for campus police and security, the fire department and emergency medical services.

We take customer service very seriously; consistent with the educational philosophy and principles of the university, the public safety communications officers take great pride in ensuring all interactions result in a positive experience.

We use sophisticated telecommunications equipment, software and networks to ensure we are in the know to keep you safe.

Business Continuity

Business continuity planning is a university-wide initiative to ensure that Case Western Reserve University will be prepared to resume operations with efficiency in the event of a crisis. Business continuity, a critical component in establishing a resilient university, is the capacity to resume business functions, academic instruction and research activities shortly following a disruptive event. These disruptions could come in the form of natural or manmade catastrophes, large or small.

In the event of a crisis situation, CWRU’s Emergency Management program will direct response efforts, prioritizing the safety and welfare of the campus community. While order is being restored to operational levels across campus, IT will activate their Disaster Recovery plan. Disaster Recovery planning hones in on IT procedures to ensure that vital IT function is unimpeded and essential telecommunications, applications and systems continue to be accessible for the campus community.

Meanwhile, the intention of the Business Continuity Plan is to focus on carrying on operations to support the mission of the university– scholarship, research and service – despite crises of varying magnitude.