Navigating Campus Resources
College campuses offer copious resources and support systems. They can often seem complicated, hard to find/reach, or difficult to understand. Residence Life works closely with the entire campus to ensure you can feel like you belong. Whether it is mental health resources, getting connected to student organizations here on campus, or finding your affinity group, it’s not always easy to make that connection.
Helping You Find Help
We work very closely with the Dean of Students, University Health & Counseling Services, Public Safety, your Four-Year Advisor, and many other offices on campus to ensure community health, wellbeing, and safety.
Residence Life commits to helping you persevere throughout your time with us. Below are some examples of when we might reach out to you or you might reach out to us.
Community Concerns. If you’re worried about a friend, classmate, coworker, or someone that you don’t know very well, we are here to help. Your RCD can help to coordinate outreach, even if someone doesn’t live within your community, or even on-campus.
Wellness Checks. Our staff will sometimes stop by your room to check in. This could be if the staff member hasn’t seen you in a while, wants to get to know you better, or has received reports from other areas of the University that you’re struggling with something specific. Our goal is to help you in the ways that we can, regardless of what you’re experiencing.
Roommate Conflicts & Room Change Requests. Sometimes, things just might not be working. Not all roommates are compatible. Suitemates don’t always see eye to eye. Issues can come up regardless of how well you knew someone last year and remember, people and relationships are dynamic and ever-changing. Residence Life staff are here to work through these problems with you.
Community Standards. Living within a community means committing to collective support and shared accountability.