Video of the Month

Danger Finger Monthly Videos 

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Each year, University Technology ([U]Tech) takes this opportunity to raise awareness about digital security, and to empower all members of the Case Western Reserve University community to protect personal and institutional data. 

To report a security issue, contact the service desk at 216.368.HELP, submit a ticket at, or reach out to UTech Information Security directly via email at

(Multi-Factor Authentication) 

This short video emphasizes the importance of multi-factor authentication (MFA) in enhancing online security. MFA involves adding additional steps, such as a phone number, to confirm one's identity when accessing online accounts. By requiring multiple factors to authenticate, like a password and a code sent to a phone, MFA blocks unauthorized access, adding a valuable layer of security. The video encourages viewers to use MFA whenever possible to protect against cyber threats.


(Campus Phishing)

In this video, the speaker speaks to the importance of recognizing and preventing phishing attacks, which are common and harmful cyber threats. Phishing typically involves deceptive emails or texts aimed at tricking recipients into divulging sensitive information or clicking on malicious links. The bait for these attacks can vary widely, ranging from financial matters to invitations or alerts. The key defense against phishing is to ignore suspicious messages and report them if necessary. By staying vigilant and using the allotted 60 seconds wisely, individuals can effectively combat phishing scams.



In this video segment, the speaker highlights the synergy between privacy and security. Emphasizing workplace privacy, the message stresses the importance of protecting trust, offering practical tips such as understanding information distinctions, adhering to privacy policies, and reporting privacy failures promptly. The overall focus is on individual responsibility in maintaining a secure environment.



In this video, the speaker warns about phishing, a tactic used by cybercriminals to trick people into compromising their computers or sharing sensitive information. They stress the importance of vigilance, advising listeners not to click on suspicious links or engage with unusual requests. The message is to be cautious, not respond if something seems fishy, and use their 60 seconds wisely to spot and stop scams.


 (Security Awareness as a Cause)

The speaker stresses the importance of cybersecurity awareness on campus, linking cyber attacks to crimes like theft and human trafficking. They urge individuals to understand security policies, interact with the security team, and report suspicions. The message emphasizes the potential human consequences of cyber attacks and encourages proactive prevention.



In December’s video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of strong password hygiene. They highlight the vulnerability of weak passwords, encouraging users to opt for longer, complex combinations of numbers, letters, and symbols. The speaker advises against password reuse, suggesting the use of password managers for enhanced security. The key message is to take proactive steps to secure passwords and avoid common pitfalls to prevent potential security breaches.

(Phishing Baits)

In November's video, the speaker highlights the common tactics used in phishing attacks. These baits involve emails, text messages, and calls that aim to deceive individuals into taking actions that benefit cybercriminals. You have to stay vigilant, recognize phishing signs, and ignore such messages to stay safe. Use your 60 seconds wisely to spot and avoid scams. Always be aware of the danger finger!




(60 Seconds on Danger Finger)

In this video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being cautious when dealing with cybersecurity threats like phishing and ransomware. They highlight the tendency for people to click on links and attachments in emails without thinking and suggest that taking control of this habit, referred to as the "danger finger," could prevent the majority of cyber attacks. The video encourages viewers to pause and think before clicking, advocating for greater awareness and caution in online interactions to enhance cybersecurity.