The Office of Enterprise Applications & Data Management at Case Western Reserve University serves the institution by providing centralized reporting and analysis of student, administrative, research, and clinical data to support the mission of CWRU.

Find out about our team objectives, our major initiatives, and our team principles as it pertains to your experience with the services we offer at the university.

Our team provides a variety of different services to the campus community relating to data governance and data analytics.

We offer various tools for data analysis, including Amazon Web Services and Tableau. Find out more about how to get access to university data and the analytics tools that we support.

Data governance determines who should have access to what university data when. To properly implement analytics at the organizational level we must manage the availability, integrity and security of our enterprise data.

Our team is made up of a diverse group of analytics architects, developers, and analysts with knowledge in a variety of areas. We are happy to consult with you on your data and analytics needs.
Who we serve
CWRU Administrative Offices, CWRU Academic Colleges and Schools
Self-service business intelligence platforms are available 24/7, whereas consultation by office staff is available during normal university business hours.