UTech Information Security Office - KBA 5929

Visit the CWRU UTech Information Security Awareness site for information about how to avoid being a victim of online crime.

Contact UTech Information Security

Send an email to security@case.edu or abuse@case.edu

Security Help

If you have a security problem, question, configuration issue or have had a network host placed in quarantine, please call the Help Desk 216.368.HELP (4357).

PGP Keys

If you need to send ISO sensitive information via email (IP addresses, logs, vulnerability information, etc.), please use PGP to encrypt the message. Our public keys are provided below.

PGP Key for security@case.edu (2009)

Key fingerprint = 4A79 3305 1DA2 D29F 1D9D 1E39 5802 D46D 5D9D