Graduate & Professional Students Parking Information

Date Released: 1 May 2014

How to Register for a Parking Permit

Parking permits for graduate students and professional students are available online purchase by visiting this page.

Your CWRU Network ID and password are required to gain access to on-line registration for your parking permit.

To renew your fall/spring permit, you may go online any time after you receive the email from until grades are in due in fall according to academic calendar or two days after commencement for spring semester.

If you cancel your parking permit during the renewal period, you lose the privilege of renewing for the fall semester. You will be refunded for the permit.

Failure to renew by the cutoff date will result in forfeiture of your space.

All permits not renewed by end of the renewal period will be available for sale during first-come, first-serve. First-come, first-serve will begin at 12:01am on June 6th online, and at 9:00am at Access Services the next business day.

If you do not have a parking permit or plan to change parking locations, you may purchase a permit on line beginning at 12:01a.m. (EST), June 6th online or at 9:00 a.m. at Access Services.  Permits will be issued on a first –come, first serve basis. When spaces in a particular lot are no longer available, “SOLD OUT” will appear on the permit selection screen. The following lots are available for graduate and professional students on a first – come, first served basis.

Lot Location
Lot 53 (Veale) Southside garage
Lot 44 Southside surface
Lot 46 (NRV) North side garage
Lot 29 Campus Center/Severance garage

If you do not get your desired lot place your name of the waiting list for the lot. Student waiting list dissolves every May. If your name comes up on the waiting list you will receive an email to your CWRU email address. You have three business days to respond or the spot will be offered to the next person on the list.

Permit Payment

Graduate students have several options when it comes to payment:

  1. Pay with a credit card (Discover, MasterCard or VISA) online or at Access Services
  2. Monthly payment option (monthly payment pdf.)
  3. Pay cash, check, credit card at Access Services

Parking permits for students have two expiration dates (end of fall or spring semester).

Vehicle Registration

Students who do not have vehicle registration information (make, model, color and license plate info) when they purchase their permit must submit that information before their access to the parking area will be granted. You can update your information online and then send an email to to have your access updated.

Parking Violations

If you have any outstanding parking citations, within the joint parking systems (CWRU, UHC, UCI), you will be require to pay them prior to be able to purchase a parking permit.

How to Obtain Your Parking Permit

Parking permits that are requested to be mailed will be mailed ten days prior to the start date of the permit. Permits that a requested to be pick up will be available five days prior to start date.  Permits will not be mailed to University buildings.

Permit Start and End Dates

You have to choose the start date that is available that best fits your needs. All student permits are sold until the end of the semester your choice would either be end of fall or spring.

When to Display Parking Permit

Permits should be displayed on vehicles as soon as received. Vehicles parked in permit area without a valid hang tag will be subject to parking citations.

When Does Permits Expires

If your permit states expire at the end of Fall Semester then it will expire at midnight on the day that grades are due according to academic calendar.

If your permit states expire at the end of Spring Semester then it will expire at midnight two days after commencement according to academic calendar.

Accessible Parking

Students with temporary or permanent disabilities must request consideration for reasonable accommodations through the Office of Educational Support.

Evening and Weekend Access to Parking lots

The following lots are accessible to all CWRU permit holders after normal business hours   (4:30p.m. – 7:30am) and on weekends

  • Surface Lot - 1A, 44 & 47
  • Garage Structure #29, 46, 53 & -55 (lower level only)

These structures request requested access. Garages 55 and 46 require a valid Case ID card. S-53& S29 requires a separate access card. There is a $10 deposit for the card. The last time you can enter lot 29 and 53 is 3:00a.m.on weekdays.

After hours parking is not guaranteed in any of the lots or structures if spaces are used by assigned permit holders or if parking arrangements have been made for special events.

Permit Rates

Parking permits are prorated on a weekly basis. You will be charged based on the start date of your permit which you have selected. Permits proration starts with a new week on Thursday. If you purchase a permit on Thursday you will not pay for the current week, but your permit is active as soon as you receive it.

Waiting List

If the desired parking location is not available you may add yourself to the waiting list. Students waiting list are purged every year during the 1st week of May. New waiting list starts on June 7th.

Parking Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.


Permits may be canceled after the first 30 days only. There must be at least 30 days left on a permit to get a refund. Permits are only refunded for the unused portion of the permit minus the $15.00 Administrative fee.

Questions regarding parking

Additional parking information is available by emailing . Access Services is located in the lower level of Crawford Hall, room 18, is open 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday