Visitor Parking

There are many garages and surface lots on the Case Western Reserve University campus where individuals can park without permits, making it easier for guests to attend events or visit friends and family.

In addition to the daily or hourly rates offered in some of our garages, we offer metered parking with convenient mobile payment options in our surface lots.

Students with friends or family coming to visit can get weekend parking permits for their guests (up to three free per active student permit or $20 without a permit).

Having a meeting on the main quad? We offer parking in the Visitor Information Center lot, which select offices can request in advance for their guests.

A departmental courtesy chaser ticket or validation sticker results in paying for guest parking fees when parking in a CWRU visitor lot. Charges are then billed to the department. Please refer to the Department Guest Parking Policy for details.  

Find out how visitors to Case Western Reserve can quickly and easily park on campus.