General Information
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students and housing guests who purchase their summer permits online should print out or save the permit sent to them in their email receipt immediately after purchase. The link to the printed permit expires after a very short period of time and will no longer be available for print from your email. The printed permit must be displayed on your dashboard when parking. If not secured, the permit can blow out the window while driving, so we recommend you save a copy of it in case you need to reprint it.
Summer parking is sold temporarily. Summer parking for students must be for a minimum of one week. Summer parking for employees must be for a minimum of one month. The charge is based on the lot assignment and the duration of the permit. Please have your CWRU ID card with you if purchasing summer parking in person.
There are no transfers, cancellations, or refunds for any summer permits. Ensure you know which lot you are purchasing for your summer permit before the transaction is finalized.
View current monthly parking rates through June 30, 2024.
Rates will be subject to change after July 1st of each year.
Important Dates
- May 1st – Student parking waiting lists dissolve. Faculty/Staff waiting lists are not affected by this. If students want to continue on a waiting list, they must add themselves again on this date or after.
- May 1st – Student (Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Student) summer permits go on sale online and in person at the Student Access Services Center, located in the Tinkham Veale University Center.
- June 1st – CWRU Faculty, Staff and contractor summer permits go on sale in Access Services, located on the lower level of Crawford Hall.
- Summer Parking End Dates –
- Student summer parking permits end date should not go past the summer degree conferral date. See academic calendar for summer degree conferral dates.
- Staff and Faculty summer permits may extend up to the day before Fall semester starts. See the academic calendar for the semester start date. The employee would have to return to previous parking facility after summer.
CWRU Faculty & Staff Members and CWRU Contractors and Temporary Staff
CWRU Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Students
CWRU Summer Housing Guests
Available Summer Parking Lots
CWRU Faculty & Staff, Contractors and Temporary Employees
A temporary summer permit does not guarantee a permit in the same lot during the academic year.
Staff, faculty, contractors, and temporary staff cannot purchase summer parking online and must purchase it in person at Access Services, located on the lower level of Crawford Hall.
Faculty on leave for the summer are required to turn in their parking permit(s) and parking/gate card(s) to Access Services to have their parking payroll deduction temporarily suspended. Access Services will hold your parking space until your return in the fall. Faculty leave of absence is available from mid-May through the day prior to the start of the Fall semester.
Start Date: Staff, Faculty, contractors and temporary staff can purchase summer parking starting on June 1st.
End Date: Staff, Faculty, contractors and temporary staff summer permits may extend up to the day before Fall semester starts. See the academic calendar for the semester start date. The employee would have to return to previous parking facility after summer.
Employees must bring their current hangtag and gate card (if applicable) to purchase a different lot for summer.
- It can be payroll deducted or pre-paid at Access Services.
- An income-based discount does not apply for pre-paid summer parking.
- The employee must return to their original assigned parking at the end of summer.
Summer parking for employees must be for a minimum of one month. Summer parking does not affect your waitlist status. Faculty/Staff waitlists will not be called from early May through mid-September to accommodate summer parking.
CWRU Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Students.
A temporary summer permit does not guarantee a permit in the same lot during the academic year.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students who purchase their summer permits online should print out or save the permit sent to them in their email receipt immediately after purchase. The link to the printed permit expires after a very short period of time and will no longer be available for print from your email. The printed permit must be displayed on your dashboard when parking. If not secured, the permit can blow out the window while driving, so we recommend you save a copy of it in case you need to reprint it.
Starting on May 1st, summer permits are available online and can be purchased in person at the Student Access Services Center in the Tinkham Veale University Center (TVUC). If you need a summer permit before the sale date, please come to Student Access Services Center at the Tinkham Veale University Center (TVUC) during business hours.
Summer parking for students must be for a minimum of one week.
End Date: Student summer parking permits end date should not go past the summer degree conferral date. See academic calendar for summer degree conferral dates.
CWRU Summer Housing Guests
The online permit will not be available until May 1st. If you need a summer permit before this date, please come to Access Services during business hours.
Summer Housing Guests are not current/enrolled students or CWRU affiliated but temporarily stay in CWRU campus housing for various summer programs.
Instructions to purchase online:
- Go online go to the parking portal.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button that says 'CWRU Housing Guest Login Only'. If you have created an account before, please login here. If you have not yet created an account, please click 'register here' to create an account.
- From there, you will be able to purchase parking for the exact dates needed for your stay.
- IMPORTANT: Students and housing guests who purchase their summer permits online should print out or save the permit sent to them in their email receipt immediately after purchase. The link to the printed permit expires after a very short period of time and will no longer be available for print from your email. The printed permit must be displayed on your dashboard when parking. If not secured, the permit can blow out the window while driving, so we recommend you save a copy of it in case you need to reprint it.
Note: If you use a rental vehicle, only purchase your permit for the length of time you know you will have that vehicle. The license plate number will print on your permit, and it must match your current listed vehicle. You may purchase a new permit if you obtain a new rental car.
The parking lots available for summer housing guests are the following:
- Lot 57, south side top of the hill
- Lot 46, north side, near football field
- Lot 78, Triangle guests only
Available Summer Parking Lots
Not all lots are available for summer parking. Please note that lot 57 is for resident students only and that housing guests are only able to purchase permits in 57, 46, and 78. These lots are subject to last-minute change due to availability.
Parking available for summer:
- Lot 14 – only available in person not online, located behind the Maltz Performing Arts Center
- Garage 29 - under the Kelvin Smith Library and Tinkham Veale University Center
- Lot 44 - located near intersection of Murray Hill and Adelbert Rd., across from Fribley
- Garage 46 - North Residential Village parking structure between E. 115 and 118
- Lot 47 – located near Murray Hill and Adelbert Rd. behind the Art Studio
- Garage 53 - Veale Parking Structure on Adelbert Road
- Lot 57 - Carlton Road, southside top of the hill
- Garage 78 – Triangle garage, located near the Museum of Contemporary Art
- Lot 82 - near the Maltz Performing Arts Center and Dental Clinic
Important: Garage 53 and garage 29 require gate cards for access. If you parked in one of these structures during the school year or have an after-hours pass, you should still have your gate card if you wish to park in either structure this summer. You should bring your gate card with you when you purchase summer parking so that it can be assigned to your new permit. The replacement fee for a gate card is $25.00. The permit holder can only obtain a gate card by visiting in person to either Access Services on the lower level of Crawford for staff, faculty or housing guests or to the Student Access Services Center.
If you have any questions, they can be emailed to us at Faculty, staff, contractors, temporary workers, housing guests and other partners who are not students, please call Access Services at 216.368.2273. Students should call the Student Access Services Center at 216-368-6192.