Krista Mitchell

Musicology (PhD)

Krista Mitchell Headshot July 2023 (full)

Krista Mitchell is a PhD Student in Musicology at Case Western Reserve University. Her research involves the intersections of music and performance and its resulting meaning-making, whether it be in film, dance, or other staged mediums, especially in works premiered within the last century. A recurring theme is aspects of horror and the Gothic in film or television music, and she has presented multiple papers on this topic. She is also passionate about research skills instruction, reference assistance, and public musicology. 

Krista holds master’s degrees in both library science and musicology from Indiana University Bloomington (2021) and received a bachelor’s degree in musical theater performance from Oklahoma City University (2014). At CWRU, she is active in the Music Graduate Student Association (MGSA). When not studying or reading for school, she enjoys aerial dancing, singing, and hanging out with her cat.