Welcome to the Faculty and Staff Resource Page. Here, you’ll find essential tools, guidelines, and information to support your work within the department. Whether you need access to academic policies, teaching resources, or administrative forms, this page is your one-stop destination for everything you need to help support you in your role!
Course Syllabi
Submit your 2024/25 course syllabi files in BOX or email them to music@case.edu.
Upload my 2024/25 course syllabi to BOX >>
Resources + Forms
- Academic Representatives
- College of Arts and Sciences Forms
- Course Action Form
- Course Time Slot Grid
- Curriculum and Program Management
- Division of Student Affairs
- Enrollment Dates and Deadlines
- Final Exam Schedule
- Office of Undergraduate Studies Forms
- School of Graduate Studies Forms
- Undergraduate Advisors
- University Registrar
Department of Music
- Academics
- Student Resources handbooks, advising sheets, forms, FAQ
- Ensembles and Lessons
General Bulletin
Library Resources
- People online directories
- Visit Us maps and accommodations
- Contact Us staff and faculty representatives
Schedule + Scores
- Jury Exams take place in person at the end of each semester on Reading Days. We use a single (earliest) Reading Day in the fall and both Reading Days in the spring.
- The scheduling process typically starts 6-8 weeks in advance.
- View the current schedule and student information on this page >>.
- A list of repertoire will be provided to faculty in advance.
- Faculty will submit scores and comments on a Qualtrics survey, which requires a laptop or tablet to complete. Faculty may choose to take handwritten notes during exams and fill out the survey before final grades are due.
- Ronis Recital Prize auditions are recorded and reviewed by a selection panel.
Review Assignments
CIM Faculty
Studio instrument or voice
CWRU Faculty
- Guitar: Rothenberg, Goldmark, Kruse
- Woodwinds: Kluth, Scherber, Helton, [Kruse]
- Brass: Ferguson, Scherber, Helton, [Kruse]
- Strings/Harp: Horvath, McClary, [TBD]
- Piano/Harpsichord: Cowart, Bennett, Brittan
- Voice (classical): Clark, Garrett, Koops, [McClary]
- Voice (popular): Clark, Garrett, Goldmark, [McClary]
- Pop Music (instrumental): Ferguson, Goldmark, Kluth, [Rothenberg], [McClary]
- Percussion: Scherber, Helton, Larson, [Rothenberg]
- MuEd auditions: all MuEd faculty and lecturers
- Canva Design digital/print publicity and programs (requires training and login credentials from the music office)
- Customer Service Center
- Custodial Services
- Department of Music Facilities
- Event Planning Tools sample budget, event brief, checklist/timeline
- Harkness Chapel
- Maltz Performing Arts Center
- Office of Events and Programs
- Printing Services: FedEx Office (Thwing)
- Reporting Repairs and Emergencies (Department of Music)
- Special Event Application CWRU affiliates should use this form to plan a special event. An external group must be sponsored/hosted by a CWRU affiliate in the Department of Music.
- Special Event Service Request Form
- Submit to The Daily
- Tinkham Veale University Center
- Thwing Center
- University Marketing and Communications
- Weddings
- Artist Agreement
- Honorarium
- Invoice or Estimate Template view/download on box
- Presenter Agreement
- Travel Reimbursement
- Supplier Information Form
*All documents in this section require CWRU Network ID/Gmail login.
- Accounts Payable
- Diversity & Sustainability
- Procurement & Distribution
- Procurement Card Suite (PCard/DCard)
- DCard Purchase Overview Form (Department of Music)
- Purchasing
- SmartCART
- Travel Resources
Supplies for CWRU employees: Office supplies, technology, and furniture must be ordered through CWRU SmartCart. Please contact Jennifer Wright for office supplies, Laura Stauffer for furniture, or Ken Wendt for technology-related items. These purchases are not permitted PCard charges or reimbursable expenses.
- Access Services IDs, parking permits, and transportation
- CWRU Affiliate ID Request/ Renewal
- Courtesy Pass Request
- Alcohol Policy and Guidelines
- Guidelines for University Facilities
- Emergency Management
- Event Security
- Lost and Found
- Public Safety
- Spartan Safe safety app
- Safe Ride
- Walking Escorts
- University Compliance Program
- University Policies
- Youth Protection at CWRU
Slate Reader
- Slate Introduction (help guide)
- Open your browser and copy/paste go.case.edu/manage
- Log into the system with your CWRU/CIM Network ID (abc123)
- Duo Security two-factor authentication is required
- If you need to activate your Network ID or have trouble logging in, please visit: https://its-services.
case.edu/my-case-identity/ -or- call the HelpDesk at 216.368.4357activate/
Visit this page and it will guide you through enrolling in DUO. Please review the Start Guide and then click "Enroll Now" under the Enroll a Device section. There are also videos with step-by-step instructions. If you need help navigating the enrollment process, please contact the [U]Tech HelpDesk.
Audition Review Assignments
CIM Faculty
Studio instrument or voice
CWRU Faculty
- Guitar: Rothenberg, Goldmark, Kruse
- Woodwinds: Kluth, Scherber, Helton, [Kruse]
- Brass: Ferguson, Scherber, Helton, [Kruse]
- Strings/Harp: Horvath, McClary, Nicholson
- Piano/Harpsichord: Cowart, Bennett, Brittan
- Voice (classical): Clark, Garrett, Koops, [McClary]
- Voice (popular): Clark, Garrett, Goldmark, [McClary]
- Pop Music (instrumental): Ferguson, Goldmark, Kluth, [Rothenberg], [McClary]
- Percussion: Scherber, Helton, Larson, [Rothenberg]
- MuEd auditions: all MuEd faculty and lecturers
- CIM Technology Assistance, Email: help@cim.edu
- CWRU HelpDesk - Get help now!
- CWRU Gmail Network ID required
- The Core Mac Computer Lab (Haydn Hall, 16)
- University Technology [U]Tech