Research Computing and Infrastructure

Our Mission

‌The mission of UTech Research Computing and Infrastructure is to support and enhance the research mission of CWRU through responsive service, enabling infrastructure, collaborative partnerships, and innovative solutions.

Our resources include high performance computing services, large-scale research storage services, database design and programming services, visualization services, research network, data transfer, restricted data hosting, and pre-award IT consultation.

UTech Research Computing is prepared to engage with faculty in technologies as they emerge at CWRU and incorporate them into the suite of centrally supported services.

Discovery, creative activity, and innovations are elements that take us all beyond what is possible today to what will be commonplace tomorrow.

UTech Research Computing provides an advanced medium-sized supercomputing facility for research and scholarship activity. Every year more users have turned to RCCI through collaboration and enablement of their research projects.

In late 2004, UTech deployed a high performance computing (HPC) cluster for research use. Today the HPC resource has grown to over 4,400 CPU cores, 165,000 GPU cores, and approximately 305 terabytes of high-speed parallel storage. UTech also provides over 5 petabytes of storage capacity for research projects in both archival and scale-out storage systems.  

A broad array of multi-disciplinary and specialized applications software is available on both the HPC cluster and UTech Software Center supporting computationally-intensive research in physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics, biochemistry, biophysics, mechanical and aerospace engineering, materials science, chemical engineering, computer science and engineering, and other disciplines.

With the receipt of an NSF CC-NIE award in October 2013, UTech deployed a Science DMZ on its network to optimize network configuration, security policies, and performance to support robust connectivity for high-performance scientific computing, high volume data transfers, visualization, and the ability to remotely control experiments or to participate in experiments at a distance. The deployment includes IntraOhio and Internet2 connectivity speeds at 100 Gigabits per second.

The growth of these resources has been funded through investments by UTech, the Office of the Provost, and individual researchers throughout the university.

The Advisory Committee on Research Computing (ACRC) advises UTech on strategic issues related to the support of the CWRU research community's IT-related needs.

If you are interested in utilizing UTech Research Computing resources as part of a research proposal, see the Consultation Services section of this website.