Cancer Biology Training Program

Training Objectives

The goal of the CBTP is to train PhD and MD/PhD scientists who will advance research on the causes, diagnosis, progression and treatment of experimental and human cancer. The CBTP provides a PhD training program that is focused on cancer research and includes the many facets of cancer biology, including cancer pathology, cancer genetics, cell signaling, control of cell growth, tumor apoptosis, cancer pharmacology, cancer therapeutics, stem cell biology, cancer imaging, tumor immunology and others. The field of cancer biology includes basic scientific research and its applications to clinical settings. The Case Comprehensive Cancer Center provides a rich confluence of basic science and clinical activities and resources, enriching the training of PhD students as they engage in both basic science and translational research in the field of cancer. To accomplish these training goals, the CBTP has been developed as an interdisciplinary track within the Pathology PhD Program and is jointly sponsored by the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Department of Pathology.

Overview of the CBTP

Training for the PhD degree in the CBTP includes course work, research rotations, formal and informal seminars, a dissertation proposal/qualifying examination, research experience resulting in scholarly publications, and a PhD dissertation. The CBTP includes the core curriculum of the Pathology Graduate Program (see Section II: Pathology PhD Program in the Pathology Graduate Program Student Handbook; link below) and a well-developed curriculum focused on cancer biology. Core components of the Pathology PhD curriculum include the BSTP curriculum coursework in cell and molecular biology (IBMS 453 and IBMS 455), a minimum of three research rotations and two Pathology core courses (PATH 510 Basic Pathophysiologic Mechanisms, PATH 520 The Cellular and Molecular Hallmarks of Cancer, and PATH 418 Tumor immunology). PATH 510 provides a solid foundation in mechanisms of disease, including topics related to cancer, and PATH 520 provides a detailed survey of basic cancer biology. Topics in PATH 418 include the historical definition of tumor-specific transplantation antigens, immune responses against tumor cells, the effects of tumor cell products on host immune responses, molecular identification of tumor-specific transplantation antigens, and recent advances in the immunotherapy of human cancers. CBTP students take at least two CBTP Track Electives and other elective courses to meet the PhD requirements (see Handbook). Elective courses should be selected in consideration of the research emphasis of the individual student and may include a wide range of courses offered by the Department of Pathology or other basic science departments. A student's course selections must be approved by his/her Thesis Mentor and must follow the program guidelines. A Planned Program of Study (PPoS) form must be completed to ensure adequate planning for coursework and other curriculum components. This plan must be reviewed and approved by the CBTP Track Thesis Committee Representative (Clive Hamlin), and then submitted to the Pathology Graduate Program Coordinator (Gail Stringer). The CBTP Track Thesis Committee Representative will be an ex officio member of all Thesis Committees for CBTP students and will ensure consistency in advising and adherence to guidelines.

Pathology Graduate Program Handbook (Jan 2025) 

Sample Curriculum

Training Faculty

CBTP trainers are indicated in the list of Pathology Graduate Program Faculty Trainers (Section III: Faculty Trainers). All CBTP trainers are members of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. Their primary appointments may be in the Department of Pathology or other departments at CWRU or CWRU-affiliated institutions, including University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center (UHCMC), the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF), Metro Health Medical Center (MHMC) and the Louis Stokes VA Medical Center (VAMC).

Research Facilities

Trainers and research laboratories are located in multiple departments at CWRU School of Medicine, UHCMC (including the Ireland Cancer Center), CCF (including the Lerner Research Institute and Taussig Cancer Center), MHMC (including the Rammelkamp Center for Education and Research) and the VAMC. At CWRU, the Wolstein Research Building houses offices and research facilities of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Department of Pathology. The Wolstein Building also houses the Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, part of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. Core Facilities: The Case Comprehensive Cancer Center supports 15 core facilities that provide expensive and/or high-end technology instrumentation and resources to Cancer Center investigators. The presence of the core facilities within the Cancer Center provides a gateway for training students in sophisticated technologies that are essential for any modern program of cancer research. The directors and staff of these facilities have cutting-edge expertise and an ongoing commitment to advance their fields. This provides students with opportunities to learn from experts and use cutting-edge technology and equipment in their research.

Seminar and Journal Clubs

CBTP students take the PATH 511 and PATH 512 Experimental Pathology Seminar courses. These courses include two components, the Pathology Graduate Student Seminar Series, where students report on research progress, and research seminars. For the research seminar component, CBTP students are required to attend some of the Cancer Center Seminar Series (sign-in required) to fulfill their Pathology Seminar requirement. Students must attend the seminar components of PATH 511 and PATH 512 even in semesters when they are not registered for a seminar course. Students should also attend other relevant seminars. The students will participate in a monthly Cancer Trainee Seminar Series, where each student will give a presentation once a year on their research. Finally, students present their dissertation research in a Pathology Department seminar. CBTP Students are required to present a poster or oral presentation at the annual CBTP retreat. Students are also encouraged to present at the CCC Annual Scientific Retreat and Bench to Bedside Retreat.

Administrative Structure

The CBTP is sponsored by the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Department of Pathology. As a track within the Pathology Graduate Program, the CBTP is represented on the Pathology Graduate Program Committee by two representatives (one from the Department of Pathology, one representing the Cancer Center). The Pathology Graduate Program Committee handles issues common to all tracks (student admissions, mentor approval, final stages of academic review and other issues related to the general structure of the program). The CBTP Steering Committee is charged with all activities specific to the CBTP (curriculum development, including courses, seminar and journal clubs, advising of prospective students and students in the CBTP, recruiting efforts, faculty development and other issues). The two committees work together in many areas with joint efforts coordinated by the CBTP Chair, who serves on the Pathology Graduate Program Committee.

CBTP Steering Committee

Member Role
Reshmi Parameswaran CBTP Director
Mark Jackson Chair
Stanton L. Gerson Director, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
David Danielpour Track Advisor and Curriculum Director
Clifford Harding Track Development, MSTP Representative
Clive Hamlin Track Thesis Committee Representative