CJD Surveillance
The National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center (NPDPSC) is the only Center of its kind in the U.S., which coordinates autopsies and neuropathologic examinations of suspected prion disease cases from across the country.

NPDPSC offers free-of-charge brain-only autopsy assistance to families with loved ones suffering from a suspected prion disease.

Resources and instructions for autopsy providers, such as autopsy sample shipping, autopsy protocol, etc.

A quarterly-updated table of cases examined by the Prion Center.
Clinical Testing
The NPDPSC offers various laboratory services for patients suspected of having a prion disease.

Laboratory services of the center, including our lab testing directory, resources for healthcare professionals, and more.

All specimens and/or MRI disks sent to the center must accompany a completed Test Request Form and/or an MRI Interpretation Request Form.

General and detailed shipping instructions for the delivery of CSF, Blood, and Biopsy samples.