Aerial view of the CWRU campus

Need help?

If you do not find your query here, please send your cybersecurity questions to askinfosec@case.edu.

If you need immediate assistance with a cybersecurity issue, please contact [U]Tech service desk (216-368-4357 "HELP") or submit a ticket.

Please check out our phishing awareness page on how to report incidents and protect yourself from phishing attacks.

In general, it is safe to click the "unsubscribe link" from known and reputable senders. However, remain cautious when encountering unknown sources since they might be phishing attempts. When in doubt, mark the email as spam.

Configure the mail filtering options of your CWRU email system to mark unwanted emails as spam. Stay cautious when sharing your email address and read the privacy policies of websites and forms when you provide your email.

In general, QR codes are safe but they can be misused. Always check for signs of tampering and avoid scanning codes that seem out of place. Be cautious of QR codes that lead to login pages or request your personal information.

Yes, but follow best practices for security:

  • Use different user accounts for personal and university work
  • Store university data in approved, secure cloud services
  • Ensure your personal device has updated antivirus software and a strong firewall
  • Never leave your device unattended in public places