YouTech Conference Breakout Session Descriptions (#youtech2019)

Cleveland: City of the Future in the Past
Presented by Marie Vibbert
10:15-10:40 in Conference Room 140

Experience a short history of Science Fiction in Cleveland, focusing hard on the CWRU connection: noted prize-winning authors Roger Zelazny (The Chronicles of Amber) and Andre Norton (Witch World), natives of Euclid and Cleveland respectively, both alumni.

What is Blockchain?
Presented by Miro Humer
10:15-10:30 in Ballroom B/C

Miro provides a graphic demonstration with audience participation of a concept that's receiving increased recognition: Blockchain.

ChatBot Challenges and Triumphs
Presented by Greg Reynolds and Sean Murphy
10:15-11:00 in Conference Room 245

This year saw the creation of a chatbot for CWRU. The presenters, who were heavily involved in the project, chronicle the journey of this new tool- from idea to pilot to launch to plans for phase two.

iPad Adventure: A Gripping Tale of the Tech Seas
Presented by Cheryl Knight and Lauren Rogers
10:15-11:00 in Game Room 204

Ahoy mateys! Join this swashbuckling adventure session to learn more about how navigating the wide open waters of academic projects can be easy when sailing with the UTech fleet. Teaching and Learning Technologies started with a little fishing boat idea that grew into a full blown pirate ship adventure, complete with many port stops for collaboration and getting through some rough seas, ending with the treasure: the Active Learning iPad Initiative.

An Auto-tracking Video Camera Demonstration
Presented by Dan Hearn, Indra Wangsawiredja and Johnathon Jamison
10:15-11:00 in Ballroom A

A group of AV professionals discuss how they implemented the HuddleCam SimplTrack as an alternative solution to having freelance or student videographers record classes at CWRU. This session includes a demonstration and the sharing of the presenters experiences with this impressive technology. Participants will learn the pros and cons between an auto-tracking camera and a human camera operator, and whether this solution is right for their own video recording needs.

The Best Google Features You Probably Don’t Know About
Presented by Katie Skapin and Sarah Bailey
10:15-11:00 in Senior Classroom 134

We all know about Gmail and Google Drive, but what about other tools included with G Suite for Education? Find out about the lesser-known features that Google offers: things that could help simplify your job, add efficiencies to your workflows and make your life easier, including Jamboard, Zoom integrations GSuite Marketplace and many more.

RFID: The Threat of Wireless Hacking
Presented by Alex Wolf
10:30-10:45 in Ballroom B/C

What is radio-frequency identification (RFID)? How is it used? If you have a microchipped pet, that's RFID. Plus it's used in many industries, for example in ID badges, retail product tagging, airplane baggage tracking, warehouse item logistics and auto assembly lines. Learn all about it, and how to prevent malicious attacks against it.

Lessons Learned
Presented by Kathryn Iwamasa
10:40-11:00 in Conference Rm 140

Discussion related to project lessons learned and how we can ensure we are applying them to future projects. This presentation will address why lessons learned are an important part of project management, including a short lessons learned retrospective from UTech projects.

A Day in the Life: Safeguarding CWRU Security
Presented by Tim Spiker
10:45-11:00 in Ballroom B/C

How does one enter the cybersecurity community, and what does it take to be successful? CWRU's Information Security Manager describes the job role and functions beyond the hype. Topics include how the dimensions of cybersecurity offer an opportunity to many people who don't think they can contribute, how to get started, and cyber-skills development with training and education.

Sensitive Data Handling
Presented by Ruth Cannon
11:15-11:35 in Conference Room 140

With increasing adoption of Box in research areas, Information Security has been asked to consult on the propriety and best practices around sensitive data handling in cloud platforms. Familiarizing UTech with methods to ensure appropriate access and collaboration on sensitive data will benefit all staff.

Smart Classroom Seed Sprint
Presented by Mike Thomas and Jeff Gumpf
11:15-11:35 in Senior Classroom 134

This session will describe some of the technologies being considered for the Smart Classroom Seed Sprint (seed sprints are short, interdisciplinary pilot projects). Innovations include voice controlled classroom audio visual equipment and technology from Amazon Web Services that might have applicability in the classroom.

Mind Mapping: Techniques for Notetaking and Ideation
Presented by Tom Siu
11:15-11:45 in Conference Room 245

CWRU's Chief Information Security Officer has been using 'Mind Mapping' from Tony Buzan's bestselling book Use Both Sides of Your Brain since 2000 and wishes he had known about the technique in college and earlier in his career! This presentation is an opportunity for IT professionals to learn a new skill that will aid in their "mind work."

Big Ideas
Presented by Sarah Bailey and Tamer Nagy
11:15-12:15 in Game Room 204

Make big ideas happen in UTech! You'll be provided with a step-by-step process, then we'll discuss how to develop a big idea, getting buy-in, the concept of reframing, dealing with failure and using the resources available to you. Then you'll pitch your own big ideas to the group and we'll outline how the "big idea process" applies to your idea, working through your potential obstacles. You'll have the brainstorming power of the entire group at your disposal. Participants should come to the workshop armed with their best big ideas, ready to discuss.

The Mixed-Reality Classroom of the Future with Microsoft HoloLens
Presented by Erin Henninger, Mark Grisold and Sue Shick
11:15-12:15 in Ballroom A

CWRU is using Microsoft HoloLens to transform learning in medical anatomy and a range of topics, from art history to engineering. The wireless, augmented-reality headset allows students and professors to interact together with 3D holograms, providing a completely new way to apply visualization to enhance classroom learning. Learn more about CWRU’s development effort and the future of mixed reality and see live demonstrations of CWRU’s HoloLens applications during this presentation.

The Security Fusion Center: An Overview
Presented by Mike Maltbie, Kyle Colantonio, Alex Wolf, Katie Starr and Patrick Leonard
11:35-11:55 in Conference Room 140

Staff of the Security Fusion Center (SFC) will talk about the purpose and benefit to the university of this newer area that supplies an operational monitoring capability to support the increased size of post-centralization UTech's service footprint.

TLT Medley
Presented by Genevieve Kilmer, Lauren Rogers and Katie Skapin
11:40-11:50 in Senior Classroom 134

In this 'PechaKucha' presentation, in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each, staff members of Teaching + Learning Technologies (TLT) will introduce their team, what they do and what technologies they use to support learning at CWRU.

[U]Tech Seed Sprints: Fast-Track Your Great Idea!
Presented by Steve Reinhardt
11:45-12:15 in Conference Room 245

UTech is kicking off their own Seed Sprint program for department ideas that need some space, time and money to experiment. The university's Seed Sprint program was started by the Office of the Provost to develop interest in and funding for short, interdisciplinary pilot projects. This program will provide select projects with requested funds and 8-12 weeks to research a great idea or new way of doing something that innovates user technology at CWRU.

Phishing Demo
Presented by Kyle Colantonio
11:55-12:15 in Conference Room 140

Information Security Office staff will provide a live 'phishing' demo, showing how easy it is to create a fake log-in for CWRU Single Sign-On and steal credentials. Along the way they will explain some technical points and the importance of checking your emails.

Using Student Workers as a Strategic Resource
Presented by Tom Seeber
11:50-12:00 in Senior Classroom 134

Hear about the Case School of Engineering's experiences with student workers, plus some ideas for how student workers relate to recruiting new talent. One lesson learned: we might already have the talent, just not the pipelines.

Just ask: Integrating Alexa into Spartan Life
Presented by Austin Wilson
12:00-12:10 in Senior Classroom 134

Explore the key aspects of Amazon's Alexa and the potential use cases for students and faculty around campus at CWRU.

Demonstrations and Applications of 360 Video and Ambisonic Audio Environments
Presented by Ken Wendt and Ricky Graham
2:00-3:00 in Ballroom A

The presenters will demonstrate the use of spatial audio in virtual reality and 360 video applications. Developers often fail to give adequate time and attention towards the audio components of projects. Learn some of the challenges that contribute to this trend, the importance of this research and the potential applications suitable for educational and gaming environments.

HEC: The Project
Presented by Kathryn Iwamasa
2:00-2:30 In Conference Room 140

CWRU recently opened its state of the art Health Education Campus (HEC). The project director who was closely tied to the development of the new facility leads this presentation about the immense project through the lens of project management.

Presented by Kyle Colantonio
2:00-2:30 in Senior Classroom 134

Staff from the Information Security Office showcase TheHive, a cybersecurity incident response platform, and discuss the pros and cons of using open-source tools.

Presented by Rimas Biliunas and Grant Risch
2:00-2:30 in Conference Room 245

Experience an overview and demonstration of the Virtual Desktop Initiative (VDI) at CWRU, a project benefiting the entire university by providing immediate access to multiple software packages on almost any endpoint. Discover the vision of VDI @ CWRU over the next few years and how it will positively affect students, staff and faculty.

Demonstration of Campus Management System (Hobsons)
Presented by Caron Peoples and Amanda Zinni
2:00=3:00 in Game Room 204

Several schools at CWRU utilize the Campus Management (Hobsons) System for recruiting applicants, scheduling events, obtaining applications, application review and a CRM (customer relationship management) tool. Outside of these schools, many of the other areas in UTech are not familiar with the system. This presentation includes a demonstration of the system and its multiple uses.

Tips & Tricks of the Cloud
Presented by Tron Compton-Engle and Sarah Bailey
2:30-3:00 in Senior Classroom 134

One of the major advantages of cloud services is the continual evolution and improvement of the services. However features are added so frequently the consumers of the services often cannot keep up with what is new and useful. This session will be a live demonstration of the latest tips and tricks from CWRU’s enterprise cloud services, such as Box and Zoom. Attendees are sure to learn ways to make work a little easier for themselves and their clients.

Gen Z
Presented by Cheryl Knight
2:30-3:00 in Conference Room 140

Attend this session to learn about what Gen Z values and how they are changing the face of higher education. By the end of 2019, 1 in every 3 humans on the planet will be a Gen Z-er. Born after 1997, they are digital natives in the truest sense. Gen Z has always known social media as part of their culture and uses technology to redefine convention. They are attending college at a higher rate than generations before and they are our students now and the next 15 years.

You've Got Data, Now What?
Presented by Calvin Frye
2:30-3:00 in Conference Room 245

This discussion will examine how researchers bring all sorts of data to the university, some of it highly sensitive or governed by law to be very secured. CWRU has many ways to store and work with that data. The question is how to choose the best method. Learn the answer here!