4:00 PM
Harkness Chapel, Classroom
Music colloquia provide a weekly forum for presentation and discussion of recent research by distinguished visitors and CWRU faculty and graduate students in musicology, historical performance practice, and music education.
All talks happen on Fridays at 4:00 PM in Harkness Classroom and are open to the public.
About the Talk
"Washington Conservatory Alumni in Black American Musical Life"
Individuals attending Case Western Reserve University events are expected to be fully vaccinated, including boosters if eligible. All visitors and members of the university may choose whether to wear masks indoors on campus, unless they are in clinical settings, including the dental clinic, or have received university approval for an exception. We encourage everyone in the campus community to respect individual choices to wear a mask. Please remember that those with COVID-19 symptoms should stay home. University leaders continue to monitor pandemic developments and will adjust health protocols as circumstances warrant. Learn more about CWRU's COVID-19 response.